Saturday, July 25, 2015

At Land's End

~ At Land’s End ~

I’m searching for a brand new world
to live and love with souls unfurled
look inside and you will find me
at land’s end, where I am most free

Essence captured, no need to roam
a place to make and call my home
share my sight, and feel what I see
at land’s end, where I am most free

Kiss the sunlight, sing to the sky
love in freedom, and don’t ask why
watch my heart soar (does yours agree?)
at land’s end, where I am most free

I’m searching for a brand new world
at land’s end, where I am most free

© 2015 Dahlia Ramone

This was written for Blogophilia Week 22.8

Topic:  At Land’s End

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts)  Mention a line or lyric of any song by the musicians "WAR" **
(Easy, 1 pt)  Incorporate the phrase 'kiss the sunlight and sing to the sky'

** “I’m searching for a brand new world / to make and call my home”
from the song Gypsy Man (I cut the lyric up into two stanzas)

Friday, July 3, 2015

In Darkness and Love

~ In Darkness and Love ~

I saw you through the clouds of someone else’s fears
in that place where all reason disappears
dark and brooding, misunderstood
a dark angel, they saw more harm than good

You looked right at me, I couldn’t move
battle of wills, what had we each to prove
that I would abandon all for you
and to me you would never be untrue

A pact was made, lives to rewrite
we’d come together upon midnight
you told me sleep, and then I’d see
in a dream, you’d come for me

When the dream came, I held my breath
you whispered “forever starts with death”
with my eyes closed I went insane
the transition nearly inhumane

I saw my funeral, mourners wept
an unexplained end they could not accept
helpless, I watched them from above
if only I could tell them I’d died for love

You watched me wrestle with my grief
and compared yourself to a lowly thief
for selfish reasons, stealing me away
just so you could love me without delay

I saw your truth, and I remembered
that my days on earth were always numbered
it would have been a matter of chance
as to when, or if, I’d find true romance

My face the world will soon forget
and I’ll follow you, with no regret
to hear my name, forever from your lips
as we love in the shadows of our souls’ eclipse

© Dahlia Ramone, July 3, 2015

This was written for Blogophilia Week 19.8

Topic:  Dark Angel

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts)  Integrate a lyric by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young **
(Easy, 1 pt)  Incorporate a funeral

** “When the dream came / I held my breath /
with my eyes closed / I went insane” 
from the song ‘On the Way Home’