Monday, August 3, 2015


~ Forsaken ~

A well-worn path cuts through the night
heart to moon, begs to understand
how tides turn on nocturnal dreams
to unravel on the morning’s light

Time contradicts, and negates the years
where happiness danced; but it cannot unsee
and now it hangs, a mocking presence
through a mist that tastes of tears

Only questions remain, born of the heart’s folly
a gentle breeze, touched by sorrow, stops to listen
but the moon has no answers
and her silence sings melancholy.

© Dahlia Ramone: August 3, 2015

This was written for Blogophilia Week 24.8

Topic: Monday Mornings
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts) Incorporate all five senses 
(sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) 

(Easy, 1 pt)  Mention the word "melancholy"  
(I did not write on topic, 
but I used four of the hard prompts and the easy one)