Sunday, May 22, 2016

~ Before the Winter Moon ~

~ Before the Winter Moon ~
Memories ripple
like time, indefinite
like my love - my downfall
inevitable and bittersweet
we knew the risk
we were of two different worlds
but what did a far-off future matter
when time would stop and the sky would fall
every time we came together?
"I guess we'll make love under the Cherry Moon"
you'd whisper in my ear each night
my return smile would get lost in your kiss
the sky turned indigo
and the moon blushed
as you took me across that forbidden bridge
you're the wind and the rain
you've got a river that takes away my pain
drowned my ghosts and made me sane
but while we loved, we loved in vain
the tide pulled, the moon turned
and winter came too soon
I closed my eyes, you slipped away
and all the midnights in the world
couldn't bring you back to me.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  May 22, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 14.9
Topic:  Smile
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts): Use a Prince lyric in your blog *
(Easy, 1 pt): Mention your favorite board game **
* Prince lyrics:
"Like time, indefinite" (Reflection)
"Time would stop and the sky would fall" (One Kiss At A Time)
"I guess we'll make love under the Cherry Moon" (Under The Cherry Moon)
"You're the wind and the rain / you've got a river that takes away my pain"
(My Love Is Forever)
"All the midnights in the world" (All The Midnights In The World)
** Board game (not my faves, but still board games):
Downfall / Risk / Indigo / Forbidden Bridge / Ghosts

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Silence is not golden

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see,
but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel"
~ Johnny Depp
"Wishing you were here, honey"
"You're the reason my heart beats"
"We're going to have an awesome future together"
"Wish I was there helping you. One day that will not be an issue"
"I'm gonna hate my night; I won't have you by my side"
"I will get there for New Year's, no matter what"
"I miss you and need you, baby"
"Thinking of you, baby"
Do you remember the words you said
from summer, half into December?
In the beginning, you told me you trusted too easily
and that you'd been played before
Those words are a little ironic now, don't you think?
What were you thinking about me, on December 17th?
And December 20th... 25th... 27th?
Those days I texted you, and received only silence
What about December 31st, when I texted you to tell you Happy New Year?
A day you told me you'd be here with me, 'no matter what'
but you never told me you weren't coming out
you just stopped telling me anything
Six more times in January
I tried reaching out to you
six more times, I was met with silence
There were only four times, in a month's span
when I'd receive a random text from you
I'd reply, trying to engage you in conversation
but you'd just ignore me again
Silence is golden?
My ass.  Silence is pain
Silence is questioning what went wrong
What did I do?  Who are you?
Silence is the absence of closure
February 16th, I reached out to you one final time
I knew it was over, even if you never said goodbye
I told you I needed closure
I asked why you just walked away
I asked you to be honest with me
And your answer was complete silence
you had gone from loving to stone cold
in the span of a few weeks
I deserved truth, but there was no truth anymore
perhaps, there never was
Imagine my shock, and the hurt
when I found out you married in the middle of February
rendering everything you said to me above, a lie
I suspect now, you knew her before
and I was just played to try to win her back;
barely two months after you were calling me baby
you are calling her your princess, and the love of your life
perhaps she is, and you finally got what you wanted
You just picked one hell of a way to go about getting it.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  May 1, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 11.9 Topic: Silence is Golden
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts): Quote Johnny Depp (There is no truth anymore)
(Easy, 1 pt): Incorporate a medical device (I did not)