Sunday, February 12, 2017

Inside the Whisper of a Weeping Willow

~Inside the Whisper of a Weeping Willow ~
Under the canopy of a weeping willow
I am cocooned in solitude
alone with death, though surrounded by life
the leaves whisper in the gentle breeze
as I seek some source of light
ashes mix with earth
watered by my tears
fragile lives suspended in time
as a tide of memories engulfs me
I am lost without your light
with a collective bow
the grove defers to a higher source
solitude turns to solace
and within the grace of the quiet trees
you become the light.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  February 12, 2017

This was written for Blogophilia
Week 52.9 topic: "Fragile Lives"

Bonus points:
Hard (2 pts):  Use the title from a painting by Michelle Abrams **
Easy (1 pt):  Use the brand name of a laundry detergent (Tide)

** I used two painting titles: 
"Solitude" and "Quiet Trees"


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Avenue of the Moon

~ Avenue of the Moon ~
Yesterday's scars bring me to you
a beacon, when I'm feeling blue
you offer me a different view
as you guide me down your avenue
while you whisper in the night:
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care"
you know it's easier to say than do
still you champion me to see it through
touched by your glow, hope springs anew
I grow stronger with each rendezvous
as your words make my soul take flight:
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care"
as dawn breaks, the glory of promises imbue
such a colorful display, so much to pursue
you wink at me as if to say "I knew"
and I know you've set me on a path that's true
as your mantra carries me beyond your moonlight:
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care."
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  February 5, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia:
Topic:  Yesterday
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Use the word "continuity" (I didn't)
Easy (1 pt): Incorporate a lyric from Pink Floyd*
*  Breathe, breathe in the air / don't be afraid to care
(from the song "Breathe")