Sunday, November 19, 2017

Starlit Dreams

Once upon a time
on a starlit night
I dreamt of you
I didn't know you, of course
you were only a figment
of the moon and the stars
a gentle breeze that I could feel
but couldn't hold
I imagined
a mischievous smile in the twinkling lights
a loving heart as wide as the indigo sky
and a kind soul as soothing as the moon
I traced lines in the sky
drawing a path
through the universe
that might lead me to you
you may say I'm a dreamer
but I'm not the only one
for as long as the stars and the moon
inhabit the sky
romantics will trace their silhouettes
and try to connect the dots.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 19, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia

Week 39.10 Topic:  Lines in the Sky
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Use a quote or lyric from John Lennon *
Easy (1 pt):  Incorporate the phrase "starlit night"
* You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Moon to Moon

~ Moon to Moon ~
Sitting in a clearing
my heart sees the fern at the edges
intricate as lace and soft as silk
oh, my heart longs to lie in its luxury
to get lost in teal-colored dreams
and let my heart sail to a faraway land
where it is only me and him
at the beginning of our own era
but the dreams are a sham
and I awake in the rain
my brain is my prison cell
and I am lost in a maze
of my own doing
I react
but I do not err on the side of caution
instead, my body begins to arch
in anticipation of my impetuousness
I con myself into thinking
there is no other way
and I aim for the moon
lashing out in desperation
into the ail storm I've created
I intended to pit crater against crater
(the one where my heart used to reside
against the one in the sky)
but my battle cries ring thin
as I realize in my gut
that the moon has not forsaken me
and this was the beginning to an end
crater to crater
becomes moon to moon
and neither moon will die tonight
my pain begins to ebb
spent, I look up at the moon
and for the first time,
I listen
the rain turns to mist
the air turns sweet
and I see
I am the indigo of the night
I am the dewdrops on the fern
I am the moon in my heart
And he is now a memory
I apologize to the moon
said I never meant her any ill will
'keep me strong' I asked of her
as I turned to move on
I didn't look back
but I knew she followed me
and I heard her when she whispered
with the gentlest of breezes
"as you wish."
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 5, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia

Week 27.10 Topic:  Lost in a Maze
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Include a quote from your favorite 80s movie *
Easy (1 pt): Mention something you love to cook (I didn't)
* "As you wish" from The Princess Bride
(last line)
Side note:  For this poem, I used the following link to make anagrams out of some of my friends' names (this is something that I did back in 2010(ish) on MySpace).  Feel free to use the link if you'd like to try this - it's a fun challenge :)
These are my friends' names (and their anagrams) that I used:
Andrea (and / era)
Brian (brain)
Carter (crater)
Charlie (arch / lie)
Christine (cries/thin)
Colleen (cell / one)
DeAnna (end / an / a)
Debbie (die / ebb)
Donna (and / on)
Fernando (fern / and / a)
Halkios (silk / oh / a)
Leslie (ill / see)
Leta (teal)
Lia (ail)
Linda (land / I)
Lisa (sail)
Maria (air / am)
Marina (rain / am)
Michael (him / lace)
Monica (con / aim)
Patti (pit / at)
Rutgers (gut / err)
Stephen (he / spent)
Thomas (sham / to)