Thursday, December 29, 2016

Picnics and Promises (Under the Moonlit Sky)

~ Picnics and Promises (Under the Moonlit Sky) ~
Stars provide the candlelight
my heart is the blanket
and the moon -
she is your conscience
is she true?
does she waver?
is it possible to betray the moon?
lay gently on my heart
let me wrap it around you
the softest promise of warmth
against any chill the night may bring
the wind whispers:
I found something I love... and never gave up
I offer you pieces of me:
morsels of my fears, my strengths, my scars, my love
are you hungry?
what does the moon say to you?
you taste, but you struggle with thirst
you uncork a bottle
and I fill your glass with champagne tears
but the moon won't allow you to drink
you pour me a glass of your own
and I swear I saw the moon's shadow
in the reflection of your eyes as you studied my face
you rest your check against my blanket
the moon lifts her shadow as you drift to sleep
perhaps you are listening to her now.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 29, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 45.9 Topic: Picnic Under the Moonlight Sky
Bonus Points:
Hard (2 pts): Quote Michael Phelps *
Easy (1 pt): Mention a famous dog
(Shadow - 'Homeward Bound')
*"I found something I love... and never gave up"