Sunday, October 29, 2017

Bell, Book and Candle

Bell, book and candle
some say spell, I say scandal
on this theory, you have no handle
best left to your neighborhood vandal
Under cover of thunder, he'd storm inside
watching his back as he'd spin side to side
breaking and stealing things, he was quite satisfied
then he pushed over a bookcase, exposing a bride
She slipped into an alcove, the vandal intrigued
he didn't stop to think he was out of his league
until he followed her in and hit a wall of fatigue
"Why am I so tired?" he asked as he fell
the bride smirked and said "welcome to Hell
t'was not meant for you but, meh, a farewell is farewell"
and that that she reached for an intricate bell
He could see the bell's symbols from where he lay
and knew its evils, when summoned, would not disobey
but to death he defiantly said "not today!"
Giving the room a desperate look
he searched for anything to get him off the hook
his eyes spied an object over the bride, in a nook
perched precariously on a shelf, was a giant book
She followed his gaze and said with a laugh
"what, you want to read?  Don't be daft.
Now, what would you like written on your epitaph?"
Remembering the candle he stole from the hall
he sought to find a way to stall
he'd need momentum as the candle was small
but if he threw it just right, that book might fall
"You've such a beautiful dress," he said with a smile
the bride blushed for a moment, caught up in his guile
she gave him an inch, and he took a mile
He leapt to his feet and she took a step back
caught unaware, she didn't expect this attack
she lunged for the bell, but he was no hack
he heaved the candle, and it struck with a smack
Now he had aimed for the book, but instead struck her head
he watched as she fell, not sure if she bled
but he didn't stick around to see if she was dead
Bell, book and candle - the theories abound
the quest nearly put him under the ground
it was a lesson he vowed to expound:
don't seek that which should never be found.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  October 29, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 36.10 Topic:  Bell, Book and Candle
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Use 3 compound words, but separate the words
(i.e., if you use the word "anybody" you have to use the words "any" and "body" separately) *
Easy (1 pt): Quote Herman Munster of The Munster (I did not)
* thunderstorm / backspin / overexposing (second stanza)
underground (last stanza)


  1. Wow! You posted so fast. AMAZING for off the cuff! :) Leta

    1. Haha! Yeah, I can't believe how quickly that one came together. Thanks, dollface :)

  2. You my dear have spun a wonderful and sinister tale! Loved it!!

  3. Such an eerie, yet perfect tale...perfect for Halloween!! And I LOVE this Annie Lennox version of this song!! :)

  4. I love the rhyme, gives it such an upbeat feel

  5. A perfect lesson indeed!! 7 points, Earthling!!

    Marvin aka Martien <3

  6. I want to Halloween party with you!

    Your poem is wonderful. It has that (centuries) old time feel to it.

  7. Oooohhh.... SPOOKY!! I love your rhyme scheme here. This is crazy good fun, love ya!!! xoxo <3

  8. Spooky tale...and you even rhymed it! Love it!


  9. Wonderful poetic storytelling. I love it.
