Sunday, November 19, 2017

Starlit Dreams

Once upon a time
on a starlit night
I dreamt of you
I didn't know you, of course
you were only a figment
of the moon and the stars
a gentle breeze that I could feel
but couldn't hold
I imagined
a mischievous smile in the twinkling lights
a loving heart as wide as the indigo sky
and a kind soul as soothing as the moon
I traced lines in the sky
drawing a path
through the universe
that might lead me to you
you may say I'm a dreamer
but I'm not the only one
for as long as the stars and the moon
inhabit the sky
romantics will trace their silhouettes
and try to connect the dots.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 19, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia

Week 39.10 Topic:  Lines in the Sky
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Use a quote or lyric from John Lennon *
Easy (1 pt):  Incorporate the phrase "starlit night"
* You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one


  1. Bless all the dreamers, we need them and always will

  2. Simply perfect!! Loved every line of this one!! <3 Just awesome!!!

  3. Love, love, love it. :) Hugs
    Carol Vaskelis

  4. I see constellations in freckles. I do not have the discipline to do stars.
    Your poem is very sweet.

  5. Loved this Dahlia .... soft and gentle filling my mind with pastel colours ... :-)

  6. So beautifully expressed. I love it!

  7. :) Loved it, Dollface! It made me smile.


  8. When I connect the dots I see 8 points Earthling


  9. I just found this. really beautiful and I love the John Lennon
