Sunday, May 13, 2018

Follow Me

If I told you
that I couldn't promise the sun would always shine
but I could promise you would always know warmth
like warm amber on an onyx night
would you follow me?
If I told you
that I couldn't promise the moon would always come out
but I could promise my heart would always shine
lighting the way for you
would you follow me?
If I told you
that I couldn't promise the wind won't bite when it blows
but I could promise you shelter
wrapped up in my arms
would you follow me?
If I told you
that I couldn't promise some days won't taste bitter
but I could promise life together would be sweet
and that we would always crave each other
would you follow me?
If I told you
that I can see for miles and miles
the beauty in days, the magic of nights
and I could weave them into every moment
would you follow me?
I can tell the truth and make it right
you will know the warmth, see the light
feel the breeze and taste the love
if you have a place in your heart
to follow me.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  May 13, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 11.11 Topic:  A Place in Your Heart
Bonus Prompts:
Hard ( 2pts):  Incorporate the phrase "I can see for miles and miles"
(fifth stanza)
Easy (1 pt):  Use a country lyric *
(Last stanza)
* Tell the truth and make it right
(from "Feed Jake" by Pirates of the Mississippi)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

New Beginnings


The days leading up to tomorrow
slip silently away, purpose served
they take their place in the Milky Way
as lessons learned
the heart ceases war with the head
having learned to live in harmony
a knowing breeze gently blows by
infusing the air with trust
it's the pinnacle of faith
new beginnings on the horizon
a heady scent, an easy breath;
the sun falls in love with the moon
all the wrongs give way to right
as day marries night.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  May 5, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 9.11 Topic:  New Beginnings
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include the word "Wapiti"
Easy (1 pt): Mention palm trees
(I did not include any bonus prompts)