Sunday, November 11, 2018

Celestial Serenade II


In the beginning
there was only the moon
orchestrating the heavens
to play out her vision
a gentle breeze stops to listen
and becomes lost in the melody
caressing the air to the rhythm
of the celestial serenade
the indigo sky was swayed
and the stars began to shimmer
through gossamer threads cast
by the moon's enchanting light
Fate was called upon to write
the lyrics of two souls
who would not give in to gravity
but let their love break through
the breeze and heavens paused for their cue
as the moon and Fate deferred
seems like all they really were doing
was waiting for you.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 11, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 37.11 Topic: "Giving in to Gravity"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a lyric or quote from John Lennon *
Easy (1 pt):  Include one of the five senses **
* Seems like all they really were doing was waiting for you
(from Real Love)
** I used three:  vision (sight), listen (hearing) and caress (touch)


  1. Celestial Entities, laying ground work, in perfect tandem...

  2. Beautiful take on a know I love Happily ever afters and I love that you properly wrote "Giving in to Gravity" instead of into. lol :) Good job, grammar Queen and spelling Princess, I look to you to show us the way. ;)

  3. The whole poem is awesome. I loved this stanza the best:
    “a gentle breeze stops to listen
    and becomes lost in the melody
    caressing the air to the rhythm
    of the celestial serenade”


  4. In the beginning there was only the moon.... That is as pure Dahlia as it gets in my book

  5. Oh my! This was delightful. And I daresay Venus was watching from her perch! 8 points, Earthling!

  6. Love this. You always chose the right words for thee challenges.
