Monday, February 4, 2019

The Puppet Moon

~ The Puppet Moon ~
The evening settles in
and I call your name
as I have so many nights before
I come before you again
to exchange wishes for hope
that my dreams may come to light"
but the moon is surly tonight
"you think I'm your puppet?
that you could simply seek me out
and control me with your heartstrings?"
taken aback, I countered:
"do you not do that to me?
with all your glory, you seduce me
you bid the winds to carry stories
of the hope you hold, and might dispense,
if one worshipped you enough
your promises echo through the night
to reel in lost souls like myself
you are simply posturing
and there's no magic in that"
the moon becomes flippant
"perhaps you should cut the strings
and find a substitute
to hang your dreams upon"
but the moon knows
as do I
there is no substitute for the moon
"I can't let go," I whisper
"even though the more I see you
the more you disappoint
but the heartstrings are strong
and come tomorrow night
I will still call your name."
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  February 4, 2019
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 49.11 Topic:  "It's Magic"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Mention the title of a song
written in the year you were born *
Easy (1 pt):  Incorporate an echo
* I Call Your Name (The Mamas and the Papas)
I'm Your Puppet (James and Bobby Purify)
Lost Soul (Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages)
Substitute (The Who)
I Can't Let Go (The Hollies)
The More I See You (Chris Montez)


  1. Love the way you wove the songs and your moon together

    1. Thanks, Tyler. I could have used a lot more songs, I had to control myself lol!

  2. I have been wanting to post a status update for days, and nothing good came to mind. After reading this, how about...

    "i will gladly be your puppet ~ no strings attached."

  3. Very bittersweet. Love how many song titles you got in there!!

  4. Love it! I do believe this one is a fave of mine.


  5. Trat's new - a surly moon. That scares me. The moon controls andd holds us in its contibual path. If it were surly to me, I;d hide. Or sing it love songs.

  6. If you COULD cut the strings...

    Which none of us can ever do.

  7. There truly is no substitute for the moon. 8 points Earthling


  8. Ahhh, that puppet moon! I just LOVE where you went this week, and you got a lotta song titles in there too! That's great fun. :) xoxo
