Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Sound of Grey

~ The Sound of Grey ~
There's a place where the moon shines grey
where silence sings and emptiness rings
a haunting place for haunted hearts
seeking refuge from their own disarray
Cry baby cry
cry for a shadow disguised as hope
cry as edges blur on a downward slope
cry when dreams falter and you cannot cope
cry baby cry
but there'll be no reply
Between black and white, intent loses its way
words curl up and drift away
their meaning lost when no one stays
and she circles back around to yesterday
Yesterday, yesteryear - when did it start?
she carries the weight of the devil in her heart
insecurities bleed through wounds that won't heal
as he strengthens his hold, truth become surreal
Cry baby cry
cry for a memory you once held dear
cry for a time when you loved without fear
cry for a way to be reassured
cry baby cry
but there'll be no reply.
© Dahlia Ramone: September 20, 2015
*Disclaimer - this is not a reflection of my current muse. 
The prompts just took me dark this week.
This was written for Blogophilia Week 31.8
Topic:  Between Black & White, There Lies a Lot of Grey
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 puts) Incorporate a song by the Beatles
 (listed below)
(Easy, 1 pt) Mention Kid Rock (I did not)
Beatles' songs I used:
there's a place / cry baby cry / cry for a shadow /
carry that weight (paraphrased) / devil in her heart /
no reply / circles / yesterday