Monday, December 31, 2018

Color Me Lavender

~ Color Me Lavender ~

Lavender skies
lovestruck eyes
proffered shell
pause on farewell
temperatures rise
an ocean wise
gentle swell
under the spell
whisper and tell
all ends well.

(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 31, 2018

This was written for Blogophilia
Week 44.11 Topic:  Star Struck *
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a symbol with a hidden meaning **
Easy (1 pt):  Mention a flavor of food (lavender)
* I got stuck on the phrase "love struck" so I went off topic
** Shell:  The shell, which protects life in the form of pearls, symbolizes the protective aspect of love.  It has had slightly varying symbolism in different cultures.  Venus, the Roman Goddess of love and fertility, is often depicted as emerging from a scallop shell.  The ancient Hindus have associated the conch shell with calling out to love-filled hearts and awakening the hearts of the faithful.  The Native Americans have also used seashells to symbolize fertility and love.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

~ Refuge ~

~ Refuge ~

She ventured deep into the woods this time
deep enough to get lost
as she wasn't merely seeking out the moon
this time, she was seeking refuge
the wooded floor was soft on bare feet
blanketed in lush ferns, bright green moss
and the occasional golden pinecone
shimming off to the side
bathed in the silver light of the crescent moon
hanging just so against an otherwise deep indigo sky
she caught glimpses of the light
but could not find the source through the trees
confused, she did not know where to look
until she stopped looking
right in front of her
sat the most exquisite creature she had ever seen
calm, quiet, wise
a vision in silver and gold and white
possessing a softness she longed to feel
was this the refuge she sought?
the barn owl studied her a moment
and then she heard his words:
"some people are nobody's enemies but their own."
she would have thought it odd
hearing words from a barn owl
had she not been struck by the accuracy of his words
"pardon me?" she replied
the barn owl turned his head
from side to side to side
until she felt like he had looked
into every angle of her soul
"my dear child,
you did not come into the forest to become lost.
you were already lost before you came here.
now tell me, who do you really seek to protect?"
intrigued and humbled, she sat down beside the barn owl
"I used to think it was only myself," she began
"but I suppose it's more than that.
I seek in others that which I am,
and I fear finding what I seek;
such that, I will often abort the journey.
perhaps it is because I think so much
of warm and sensitive hearts,
that I would spare them from being wounded...
both theirs, and mine."
the barn owl spread out his wings
and drifted down off his perch
to stand beside the girl
"close your eyes, and reach out your hand," he instructed
she closed her eyes, and reached out a tentative hand
the barn owl met her reach
and his feathers brushed her fingertips
she marveled at their contrast
some feathers were soft as down
and others sturdier, heavier
there was both a softness and strength to him
but then she felt a small gap
between a couple of his feathers
she opened her eyes and looked at him.
"yes, it is a scar.  A battle scar from long ago
and it has not completely healed.
but remember this, my child:
those who are wounded, can still fly"
and with that, the barn owl spread his wings
and took off into the night
she watched him soar above the trees
through the indigo sky
and beyond the crescent moon
that had eluded her earlier
warmth and sensitivity
softness and strength
she was the moon and the owl
she was her own refuge.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 27, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 43.11 Topic:  Silver and Gold
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a quote from Oliver Twist *
Easy (1 pt):  Include a crescent moon
* "Some people are nobody's enemies but their own."
* "It is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts,
that I would spare them from being wounded."

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Night Vision

"You don't find love, it finds you.
It's got a little bit to do with Destiny,
Fate, and what's written in the stars"
(Anais Nin)

You came to me one star-kissed night
on wings of truth, dispensing light
the moon, our bridge, guiding above
for no more reason, but to love
purpose affirmed, my destiny
now bathes my soul with clarity
that hearts are carried by the dove
for no more reason, but to love
the night absorbs sincerity
the moon exhales simplicity
we meet in the pocket thereof
for no more reason, but to love
you came to me one star-kissed night
for no more reason, but to love.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 16, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 42.11 Topic:  A Mother's Wish
(I did not write on topic)
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a quote from your favorite writer
Easy(1 pt):  Use the phrase 'sugar and spice' (I did not)