Sunday, January 6, 2019

Upon the Midnight

"So quick bright things come to confusion"
- William Shakespeare (A Midsummer's Night Dream)

~ Upon the Midnight ~
Bewitching hour, misbehavior
the moon no longer acts as savior
noble words and deeds pass on
the knight has sacrificed the pawn
where Hope was worshipped
Fate's wings now clipped
instinct to shut down
watch the stars drown

shrouded in darkness
no one to address
not eye to eye
nor soul to sky
bewitching hour, misbehavior
the moon no longer acts as savior.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  January 6, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 45.11 Topic:  "Mysterious Behavior" *
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Use a quote from A Midsummer's Night Dream **
Easy (1pt):  Include  type of evergreen tree (Noble)
* I tweaked the topic a bit
** Quote below photo


  1. Nicely done, Dollface!


  2. piercingly beautiful, my friend

  3. Exquisite!!! 8 points, Earthling!! :)

    Martien aka Marvin (and gang)

  4. I've always found hope to be a Phoenix and not long gone

  5. You played that song, at the stroke of midnight. The is the most normal of behavior, at least for those of us who gather here.
