Sunday, January 24, 2016


"I try to remember a kiss
and I get only sorrow
and yesterday's faded away
now there's only tomorrow"
(Psychedelic Furs' lyrics from 'Angels Don't Cry')
~ Intangible ~

I am the night and you are the moon
I always came out for you
but you played to your own tune
I engaged the stars to help me see
and searched for a face I once knew
you called on the clouds, to hide from me
indigo, midnight, fade to black
my hue deepened by morning's dew
as I realized you weren't coming back
early fire, ashes now
we couldn't see it through
perhaps we burned too bright, somehow
together forever, that's what we planned
I don't know what was ever true
you didn't leave me anything that I can understand
so here we are, tragically strewn
you live in me, and I for you
I am the night and you are the moon.
(c) Dahlia Ramones: January 24, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 49.8 Topic:  I am the Night
Bonus Points (Hard, 2 pts): Incorporate a lyric
from the Psychedelic Furs
("you didn't leave me anything that I can understand"
from 'All of This and Nothing'
(Easy, 1 pt): Mention early fires

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Winter's Heart


"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe
and leaves before she is left" ~ Marilyn Monroe
~ Winter's Heart ~
the starkness of winter
enshrouds a landscape
that knows one season
weighing down a heavy heart
perennial dreams lie dormant
waiting for a chance
to break through the staunch silence
that blankets them
so anxious for another chance
so easy to ignore
but sometimes, winter never ends
and summer was nothing more
than a passage of time
its days inconsequential
because they were numbered
counting down to the moment
they would be swallowed up by winter
And what was once called beautiful
Is now discarded
a forward-thinking dream, forgotten
absent a promise of Spring
but a promise, sometimes doesn't mean a thing.
(c) Dahlia Ramones:  January 22, 2016

This was written for Blogophilia  48.8
Topic:  "Starkness of Winter"
Bonus Points (Hard, 2 puts): Include a Marilyn Monroe quote (above poem)
(Easy, 1 pt): Incorporate purgatory (I did not)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Absence of Words

~ The Absence of Words ~
A well-worn path cuts through the night
heart to moon, a love to make right
going nowhere, Hope runs aground
and silence is the only sound
A favorite song, clear yet haunting
evokes memories, now taunting
like words without meaning, they drown
and silence is the only sound
Don't think of all that could have been
just vow to never try again
for not all things lost can be found
And silence is the only sound
A well-worn path cuts through the night
and silence is the only sound.
© Dahlia Ramone: January 3, 2016