Saturday, January 23, 2016

Winter's Heart


"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe
and leaves before she is left" ~ Marilyn Monroe
~ Winter's Heart ~
the starkness of winter
enshrouds a landscape
that knows one season
weighing down a heavy heart
perennial dreams lie dormant
waiting for a chance
to break through the staunch silence
that blankets them
so anxious for another chance
so easy to ignore
but sometimes, winter never ends
and summer was nothing more
than a passage of time
its days inconsequential
because they were numbered
counting down to the moment
they would be swallowed up by winter
And what was once called beautiful
Is now discarded
a forward-thinking dream, forgotten
absent a promise of Spring
but a promise, sometimes doesn't mean a thing.
(c) Dahlia Ramones:  January 22, 2016

This was written for Blogophilia  48.8
Topic:  "Starkness of Winter"
Bonus Points (Hard, 2 puts): Include a Marilyn Monroe quote (above poem)
(Easy, 1 pt): Incorporate purgatory (I did not)


  1. Very sad, very touching and very very true

  2. Ah, love. Sometimes happy. Sometimes sad. 8 points, Earthling!!

    Marvin Martian

    1. I guess it's like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. lol!

  3. Oh, nuts! I was swept away by your poetry in motion that I totally forgot about purgatory! Sorry, Earthling. That should be 7 points, rather. Forgive me, please. :/

    Absentminded Marvin

    1. *smiles*. No worries, Marvin. It's not like I'm ever in the running for the jacket anyway ;)

  4. Tragically heart-breaking and masterful write. My favorite kind *sigh* I write of winter so often because that's how I see my heart when it's been hurt...cold and lifeless...always waiting for the signs of spring. It comes...Spring always comes again. <3 Love you sis...

    1. I've been needing to write for a while and couldn't get anything going. I felt a little release after writing this. It'll be short-lived, but it helped for a bit ;). Love you, too <3

  5. Wow this is one of your most beautiful poems, so succinct and so piercing. It strikes each emotion and tears the reader apart. The song accompanies it well. ((((HUGS)))) and warm light to you in the darkness of this crazy winter! xo

    1. My Ambien had kicked in as I was finishing and trying to post this last night, so I wasn't sure I wouldn't make any changes this morning.

      And yeah, this has been a difficult couple months, hopefully come Springtime it will all be behind me. <3

  6. Defeat was never admitted so graciously. I have never read a poem like this. You put a new, unique spin on a story that is centuries old.


    1. Seems to be the story of my life - same song, different dancer *sighs*

    2. Some chapters only serve as segues, spanning over to the good parts of the story.

  7. Beautiful poem, Dollface! Love doesn't always work out as we'd like, but we have to move on.


    1. Seems like I spend more time in the "moving on" part. I should get frequent flyer miles or something out of it - loll! Thanks, dollface <3

  8. I'm feeling this deeply tonight... Stark, cold and downright sad. Here is hoping that summer comes soon! xoxo ((((HUGS)))

    1. And I forgot to mention....beautiful, like you! xoxo

    2. I am certainly ready for summer. And I know you are - thirty feet of snow *boggles the mind*

      Love you, dollface. You're such a beautiful friend <3

  9. Wonderful post! :)

