Sunday, January 24, 2016


"I try to remember a kiss
and I get only sorrow
and yesterday's faded away
now there's only tomorrow"
(Psychedelic Furs' lyrics from 'Angels Don't Cry')
~ Intangible ~

I am the night and you are the moon
I always came out for you
but you played to your own tune
I engaged the stars to help me see
and searched for a face I once knew
you called on the clouds, to hide from me
indigo, midnight, fade to black
my hue deepened by morning's dew
as I realized you weren't coming back
early fire, ashes now
we couldn't see it through
perhaps we burned too bright, somehow
together forever, that's what we planned
I don't know what was ever true
you didn't leave me anything that I can understand
so here we are, tragically strewn
you live in me, and I for you
I am the night and you are the moon.
(c) Dahlia Ramones: January 24, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 49.8 Topic:  I am the Night
Bonus Points (Hard, 2 pts): Incorporate a lyric
from the Psychedelic Furs
("you didn't leave me anything that I can understand"
from 'All of This and Nothing'
(Easy, 1 pt): Mention early fires


  1. wow....I did not think you could top the last poem, but you are on fire!!! Incredible words Lisa...keep it up, your writing is at such a raw and divine level right now!! Soo so good!!

    1. I guess I have a lot to release - lol! Thanks, C, your praise always means a lot to me <3

  2. Crushing melancholy here... Very moving... That shimmering haze that circles a full moon is there for a reason.

    1. Really? I never gave much thought to that circle of haze before. Now I am. Hmmm.... *ponders*

  3. Oh my! You paint your pain so eloquently & beautifully with your words. A poetic remembrance of a love lost, yet imprinted on your heart. 8 points, Earthling!

    - Marvin Martian

    1. I've had a lot of practice with it over the years. Thank you, Marvin <3

  4. The night is better with a moon, but you can't count on it.

    1. True, the night is definitely better with the moon, but some nights are disappointingly dark :/

  5. Oh always touch my soul with your poems. This one has all my favorite ingredients...just wish it didn't take such pain to produce (or to grasp) such beauty. Love you my soul sister.

    1. If there was no pain, there would be no country music ;)

      But yeah, I know what you mean. You and I, we write what we feel - the good and bad of it. Love you, too <3

  6. That poem was most lyrical. It flowed really well. I like the way you treated the topic.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

      I loved the topic we were given, and I'm a huge P-Furs fan, so I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to write with this topic/prompts.

  7. What is the night without the moon
    a Silhouette of sadness filled with gloom

    btw, a very belated Happy Birthday wish I give to you
    may all your dreams soon come true

    1. The moon and the night need each other, and when the moon doesn't show up, the night just isn't the same.

      And thanks for the birthday wishes, Blue Dude ;) <3

  8. Touching my heart with your eloquent words. So beautifully and poignantly expressed.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. It's always nice to see you :)
