Sunday, September 18, 2016

Full Moon, Madness and a Solitary Whisper

"There are some things you don't come back from.
You either live with them, or you don't"
- Martinez from The Walking Dead
~ Full Moon, Madness and a Solitary Whisper ~
Ebony skies
darkness cries
a misplaced moon
madness consumes
is this real? am I here?
wake, wake up
swimming in lies
stars in disguise
a full moon mirage
felled by sabotage
keep walking? or disappear?
wake, wake up
consciousness revised
by the onslaught of spies
called upon by the mind
to rob the heart blind
am I insane? is nothing sincere?
wake, wake up
stillness becomes my demise
uncertain how to rise
every direction
is a question
can a windless night carry a whisper?
wake, wake up
(c) Dahlia Ramone: September 18, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 31.9 Topic: Full Moon Madness
Hard (2 pts): Incorporate a quote from The Walking Dead
Easy (1 pt): Include the word "bucolic" (I did not)
"Is this real? Am I here? Wake, wake up" - Rick
"Keep walking" - Rick
"Every direction is a question" - Abraham


  1. Whispers carried upon the wind,
    How many do we have, to send?
    Steal away or choose to spend,
    Stranger thoughts, for a friend.

  2. LOve this, Dollface!


  3. awesome dream the influence of that moon :)

  4. Full moon mirage - all is never what it seems, maybe especially in dreams

  5. Wow!!!! Of course, the moon is calling you.... you are a moon-sister after, all! This is just brilliant, I feel the pull of Luna coming on. Love ya! <3

  6. I knew this topic would get you! Fabulous poem! 7 points Earthling! :)


  7. You and that man in the moon must have a thing going on! :)
    Seriously fantastic poem!

  8. This was quite clever. I knew the moon was calling you, dollface. Love ya! <3 <3

    Leta :)
