Sunday, February 12, 2017

Inside the Whisper of a Weeping Willow

~Inside the Whisper of a Weeping Willow ~
Under the canopy of a weeping willow
I am cocooned in solitude
alone with death, though surrounded by life
the leaves whisper in the gentle breeze
as I seek some source of light
ashes mix with earth
watered by my tears
fragile lives suspended in time
as a tide of memories engulfs me
I am lost without your light
with a collective bow
the grove defers to a higher source
solitude turns to solace
and within the grace of the quiet trees
you become the light.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  February 12, 2017

This was written for Blogophilia
Week 52.9 topic: "Fragile Lives"

Bonus points:
Hard (2 pts):  Use the title from a painting by Michelle Abrams **
Easy (1 pt):  Use the brand name of a laundry detergent (Tide)

** I used two painting titles: 
"Solitude" and "Quiet Trees"



  1. That touches the deepest parts of me. I feel it - it far surpasses words

  2. ...
    Becoming the light, a worthy progression;
    Who would not freely covet such standing?
    There are limits to allowing concession,
    so don't let your tasks become too demanding.

  3. lovely and filled with hope

  4. I used to have a willow tree by the farm pond. It was a favorite place of mine to stitch, read and dream. Lovely poem.

  5. Magnificent! 8 points Earthling! :)


  6. Exquisite...the emotion literally comes flowing through me as I read your words. I always feel a bit melancholy this time of year, coming up on the anniversary of my Dad's death..... Love you! <3
