Sunday, February 5, 2017

Avenue of the Moon

~ Avenue of the Moon ~
Yesterday's scars bring me to you
a beacon, when I'm feeling blue
you offer me a different view
as you guide me down your avenue
while you whisper in the night:
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care"
you know it's easier to say than do
still you champion me to see it through
touched by your glow, hope springs anew
I grow stronger with each rendezvous
as your words make my soul take flight:
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care"
as dawn breaks, the glory of promises imbue
such a colorful display, so much to pursue
you wink at me as if to say "I knew"
and I know you've set me on a path that's true
as your mantra carries me beyond your moonlight:
"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care."
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  February 5, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia:
Topic:  Yesterday
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Use the word "continuity" (I didn't)
Easy (1 pt): Incorporate a lyric from Pink Floyd*
*  Breathe, breathe in the air / don't be afraid to care
(from the song "Breathe")


  1. Love the poem, Dollface! The moon does have a way about her.


    1. Thanks, dollface. And I agree with you about the moon :)

  2. wow I really love full of depth, beauty, hope and light. I also love this Josh Radin song. Were you with me when we met him? He was such a cool dude. :)

    1. Thanks, C - and no! I wasn't there; how cool that you got to meet him. I love this song of his so much.

  3. You hopeful romantic, you...
    Superb poem; most difficult rhythm and rhyme scheme to pursue and you perfect.
    I bow to your awesomeness.

    1. Thank you, Michael. I wasn't intending to continue the same rhyme past the first stanza, it just sort of happened. It was harder getting toward the end, though - lol!

  4. You had me with that first line and just pulled me deeper every step.
    There is always a place we go or where we seem to end up

    1. The poem isn't so much on topic about yesterday as it is toward the future. But "Yesterday's scars" got in my head and there was no getting past it.

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed this...And I sat on the edge of my seat through the last half of last nights Super Bowl

  6. You and the moon share a strong and beautiful bond. 8 points Earthling


  7. There is a sweet serenity within the words to this poem! It is lovely!

  8. Exquisite and so beautifully romantic! Ah, I so want to be carried past that moonlight... love this Dollface! xoxo
