Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lost in Space


Lost in the space between what could have been, and what was
I was color-blind to the red flags
I only saw you waving me in
and we danced like wild things
I was your Nancy
and you were my drug
I knew you would be the death of me
but you were a habit I couldn't kick
Oh, the subtly of words
and the intensity of a gaze
love is just another kind of drug
and I was living on it's roller-coaster high
until you sought another supplier
You loved, on the surface
while I loved with my heart
you were led by desire
while I - yes, I too was led by desire
But you would have begged to differ
oh, you would have begged
Now there is one less drug to seduce me
But I am the one left behind
the track marks on my heart make me weary
and I struggle with the need to fill them up
You know what they say about old habits
I'm just not sure which of us died the hardest.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  January 28, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 49.9 Topic:  Lost in Space
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Use the title of a song that was a Number One *
Easy (1 pt): Include a box of wine (I did not)
* "Habits" by Tov Lo


  1. I love your voice here, poet, from the very first breath...


  2. Touches my heart and soul as I read.

  3. It may be the most powerful drug of all - certainly is of the many I've tried

  4. Yours is a voice for all who come this way.
    Vain would be an effort to be selective.
    We all felt addiction, back in our day.
    Even I fall prey to your lyrical directive.

    1. It's a good feeling, to know you're always in my corner ;)

  5. Wow, you hit it out of the ballpark this week Dollface! I do believe that there are those that love "on the surface" and others like us... who love with our entire being. It's tragic when you are left in the dust like that.... Love you! <3

    1. You just have to believe in Karma, I guess - lol! Thanks, dollface - love you, too <3 <3

  6. Love it, Dollface!


  7. Love certainly is a drug we all crave..You wrote a wonderful version of it here

  8. Track marks are the hardest to be rid of, if indeed that is the intention! 7 points, Earthling!!

    -the green alien :)

  9. 7 points Earthling! :)


  10. powerful and full of rhythm...loved this one...a lot :)
