Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Under the New Year's Moon

~ Under the New Year's Moon ~
Ethereal keeper of dreams
(realized, and destined still)
you're all about the timing, it seems
I rest my fate upon your will
your solace I seek, resting within a mystic midnight trance
a soul yearning in quiet hope
whispering wishes upon stars for the chance
hope gently takes my hand
as the moon shines bright
and the stars form a band
all is right, it's our dance tonight
but while you sate me with your spell
I know our dance will end with morning's light
bathe me in faith - that I carry it well
through all the tomorrows within your sight
the clock strums a melody, purging another year in time
may my heart travel peacefully with you
leaving shattered pieces of yesterday behind
the pressure and adventure of living mount
we all need another soul (or two) to cling to
showing us everything, every moment count
I raise my glass on this moonlit night to you.
(c): January 2, 2017
a collab between
Dahlia Ramone, Tuscany Jones & Tyler Myth


  1. Thank you for starting this, it was a wonderful way to begin the year

  2. I haven't been able to log in to my blog yet to post but thank you for this! I needed a push...hopefully I will be writing again soon. I'm looking forward to reading what we come up with when we are all sitting around sipping wine. Love you! Tuscany

  3. Here we have three people. Two converse while the third listens intently. Then when the moment arrives for the first third person to speak, he or she is ready, and steps right in until success time as the second third person rejoins...

    I cannot tell if the three writers are alone in a room or in a crowd of people. I get the feeling, if there were dozens about them, they would pay them no mind. Such was the focus.

    Suffice it to say, there was a lot of caring in both the conversation and the joint writing effort.

  4. Here we have three people. Two converse while the third listens intently. Then when the moment arrives for the first third person to speak, he or she is ready, and steps right in until success time as the second third person rejoins...

    I cannot tell if the three writers are alone in a room or in a crowd of people. I get the feeling, if there were dozens about them, they would pay them no mind. Such was the focus.

    Suffice it to say, there was a lot of caring in both the conversation and the joint writing effort.
