Monday, January 2, 2017

The Color of Adventure

Dressed in pink, she said "hello."
He said "my name is Kai.
I don't like pink, and I don't remember you."
She just smiled and twirled and said
"hey, don't be such a surly boy
hey, you're such a pretty boy
you and I could rule the world."
More like 'rue' he thought in his head
but he couldn't look away
instead her looked her in the eye
and asked her "what's your name?"
"What's in a name" she laughed out loud
"call me what you like.
Just take my hand and follow me
adventure awaits, if you're not afraid."
He folded his arms across his chest
and said "I'm not afraid of you."
But his defiance was just an act
he knew he wouldn't walk away.
She fluffed her skirt and inched closer
"you don't trust me," she said with a pout.
"But I can make you believe
kiss me and you will see how important I am."
Her lips touched his, he didn't back away
and he knew his life would never be the same
as she whispered in his ear:
"welcome to my world."
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  January 2, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 469 Topic: "Adventure Awaits!"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Use a lyric from a Depeche Mode song *
Easy (1 pt): Quote Sylvia Platt **
* "Hey, you're such a pretty boy" (What's your name)
"Welcome to my world" (Welcome to my World)
** Kiss me and you will see how important I am


  1. Let the world ruling commence,
    With this upcoming romance,
    Cross over a border,
    Find things in order,
    Not seen before or to be since.

    Hey, this got me giddy.
    Does it show?

    1. If I've made you giddy, then my post was a success :)

  2. Oh my - this one strikes so very close to home. Not sure i knew her, but zero doubt I dated a sister of hers

    1. lol! She doesn't sound like someone I'd be able to resist either ;)

  3. Replies
    1. I'm pretty sure her name was "Trouble" but I agree - go with the flow :)

  4. Love the whimsy and wit in this one. Nice job Lisa xo

  5. :) I love it, Dollface!


  6. I'd Kai needs to run, of course which direction is debatable. 8 Points Earthling - Martien

  7. OMG, I absolutely LOVE this! Very playful and seductive, just gives me a warm feeling and takes me back. Well done, Dollface! xoxo
