Sunday, August 27, 2017

Diaphanous Heart

~ Diaphanous Heart ~

Diaphanous heart, sheltered deep
protected only when I sleep
walk no more tightrope in the grey
just one more dream, then break away
I have some scars from where I've been
I know I'll walk that path again
a heart's yearning, love will betray
just one more dream, then break away
trapped by my past, sometimes I wish
to emerge from this chrysalis
and fly away from yesterday
just one more dream, then break away
diaphanous heart, sheltered deep
just one more dream, then break away
(c) Dahlia Ramone: August 27, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 27.10 topic:  Sometimes I Wish
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Include a lyric from a U2 song *
Easy (1 pt): Incorporate the word "diaphanous" **
* I have some scars from where I've been (Song for Someone)
(second stanza)
** First and last stanzas


  1. This hits near and dear to my heart, in a very special way.

  2. Such a beautiful Kyrielle Sonnet. I do so love it when you sonnet, my dear! 8 points Earthling!

    - Marvin aka Martien Ecrits (disregard the above deleted comment - user error lol!)

  3. Such the depth and beauty and raw feel to this. Your words never cease to amaze me.

  4. Beautiful sonnet, although I find sleep is one of the my least safe or sheltered times

  5. beautiful write, love the depth portrayed

  6. Awesome write with a sense of eternal emptiness
