Sunday, April 22, 2018

Of Love and Dreams

~ Of Love and Dreams ~
I've always dreamed of idyllic things
Cornwall in Spring, wishes on wings
I care naught for castles and kings
just a knight, with a heart that sings
heaven on earth, such a place exists
lovers know it, from the moment they've kissed
their world transports into moonlit mists
prose turns to poetry, romance insists
here is the deepest secret nobody knows:
- they say love comes, and then love goes
well, it's those naysayers I oppose -
I believe love, true love, only grows
the birds know this song, follow their trill
the bees will help guide you, they've fate to fulfill
the moon and the sun and the stars all thrill
our coming together has been their will
yours is the light by which my spirit's born
and it's that purity of love which we shall adorn
there will be no greater love story than our memoirs
you are my sun, my moon and my stars
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  April 22, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 8.11 Topic:  Birds and Bees
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Quote or include a line from e.e. Cummings
(I've included two) *
Easy (1 pt):  Include a town in Vermont (Cornwall)
* "here is the deepest secret nobody knows"
(third stanza)
"yours is the light by which my spirit's born -
you are my sun, my moon and all my stars"
(I split this one up into the last two couplets)
(my very favorite poem, happens to be this one)


Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Pondering Moon

~ The Pondering Moon ~
As the sky is brushed in an indigo hush
the nightingales pause their hymn and the stars dim
in anticipation of the moon's summation
I begin my pilgrimage, seeking her image
once again
from July through June, I've beseeched the moon
'guide me there, or guide him here
color my days in bountiful ways
paint my nights with love's highlights
I believe in you'
the moon ponders this, assessing my wish
you've believed all these years, though smiles and tears
yet even when I'm not around, it never gets you down
tell me why
I listen to my heart, and say what I hear
"it seems when I'm lonely, I always know you're near"
the moon ponders this, and sees another vision
perhaps it's not me you're thinking of, my dear
the moon goes on to explain, she's not calling the shots:
the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts
become one with the brushstrokes, connect the dots
once your soul's on canvas, you'll know what you've got
I sit under a tree, pondering the moon pondering me
the birds resume their song and I think she's not wrong
I am indigo dreams with art in my seams
and someone, somewhere, has a similar canvas to share.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  April 15, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 7.11 Topic:  Talking to the Moon
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include a quote from a Stoic other than Seneca *
Easy (1 pt): Use a line from a Gene Autry song **
* "The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts"
(Marcus Aurelius) - 5th stanza
** It seems that when I'm lonely,
I always knew you're near
("You're the Only Star in my Blue Heaven")
4th stanza

Sunday, April 1, 2018



The Long Silence
Queries litter the ground
fallen from lips of ashes
representations of time
wasted on the waiting
what happens now
as I kneel and disconnect
drawing the line
in my ashes
Drown with Me
Disappear with me
the half-light beckons
with its seductive flicker
to the start of something beautiful:
The Sleep of No Dreaming.
stop swimming, the rest will flow
and we can just sleep, together
Blackest Eyes
Remember me, lover
as I dig this shallow grave
cover it with footprints
of those who come after me
to watch the stars die
Always Never
Don't sing to me of halos
even less, of sentimental things
I've been down that road before
and don't try to reason
that I am in the driver's seat
the joke's on you
I drive the hearse
Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here
To your credit, you didn't say
all the words I'd heard before
you simply laid your flag before me
kneeling beside my open grave
and as the moon touches your shoulder
I believe in Fate once more.
(c)  Dahlia Ramone:  April 1, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 5.11 Topic:  My Fate
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a lyric by the group Porcupine Tree *
Easy (1 pt):  Mention something found in a cemetery (grave, flag)
* I used the following song titles, in order:
Waiting - Phase One / The Long Silence / Lips of Ashes /
What Happens Now / Kneel and Disconnect / Drawing the Line / My Ashes / Strip the Soul / Drown with Me / Disappear /
Half Light / Flicker / The Start of Something Beautiful /
The Sleep of No Dreaming / Stop Swimming /
The Rest Will Flow / Sleep Together / Futile / Blackest Eyes / Remember Me Lover / Shallow / Footprints / Stars Die /
Fade Away / Always Never / Halo / Even Less / Sentimental /
The Joke's on You / I Drive the Hearse / Access Denied /
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here /
The Moon Touches Your Shoulder