Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Pondering Moon

~ The Pondering Moon ~
As the sky is brushed in an indigo hush
the nightingales pause their hymn and the stars dim
in anticipation of the moon's summation
I begin my pilgrimage, seeking her image
once again
from July through June, I've beseeched the moon
'guide me there, or guide him here
color my days in bountiful ways
paint my nights with love's highlights
I believe in you'
the moon ponders this, assessing my wish
you've believed all these years, though smiles and tears
yet even when I'm not around, it never gets you down
tell me why
I listen to my heart, and say what I hear
"it seems when I'm lonely, I always know you're near"
the moon ponders this, and sees another vision
perhaps it's not me you're thinking of, my dear
the moon goes on to explain, she's not calling the shots:
the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts
become one with the brushstrokes, connect the dots
once your soul's on canvas, you'll know what you've got
I sit under a tree, pondering the moon pondering me
the birds resume their song and I think she's not wrong
I am indigo dreams with art in my seams
and someone, somewhere, has a similar canvas to share.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  April 15, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 7.11 Topic:  Talking to the Moon
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include a quote from a Stoic other than Seneca *
Easy (1 pt): Use a line from a Gene Autry song **
* "The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts"
(Marcus Aurelius) - 5th stanza
** It seems that when I'm lonely,
I always knew you're near
("You're the Only Star in my Blue Heaven")
4th stanza


  1. You really shine when you take your dares... The poem is awesome...
    The topic is right in your wheel house, and you took it ran with it.
    I am happy.

  2. This is lovely, Dollface!


  3. Loved this little chat. Also love that we took inspiration from the same stoic’s thought and the same Gene Autry song. Cool.

  4. I dare say the pondering moon ponders us all. 8 points, Earthling!!

    -Marvin & CK

  5. This is beautiful!

    Michelle King

  6. Great use of the prompts in this beautiful ode.
