Sunday, June 3, 2018

Love's Debut

Through the distant blue
above the highest stars
every wish comes true
the universe is ours

nights intoxicating
I'm drunk on you
you find me captivating
love's debut

over the highest rainbow
beyond all the oceans, too
surpassing all you know 
still, merely a preview

like blossoms on a southern breeze
contented sighs float through
the path is marked with ease
when two hearts are true.

(c) Dahlia Ramone:  June 2, 2018

This was written for Blogophilia
Week 13.11 Topic:  Over the Rainbow

Bonus Prompts:

Hard (2 pts):  Include a Ramones lyric *
Easy (1 pt):  Incorporate an ocean (Southern)

*  Through the distant blue / above the highest stars / 
every wish comes true (Highest Trails Above)
Nights Intoxicating (Chasing the Night)


  1. Beautifully romantic. 8 points Earthling


  2. Drunk on Love - probably more dangerous than even Tequila

  3. I sense a perfect pairing in the offing, and want to be a party to the undertakings. Sign me up, please.
