Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hidden Narnia

~ Hidden Narnia ~
there is a stillness
to discover
which transports you
to another world
a wonderment
lush as the moss
blanketing the forest
soft as a whisper
beckoning you in

a haven for your soul
journey through paths
never yet seen
wide-eyed, humbled,
awed at the prospect
of finding your own
hidden Narnia

it's out there
closer than you know
listen to the whisper
follow the unknown
it couldn't be simpler:
to begin,

(c) Dahlia Ramone:  July 22, 2018
(poem and photos)
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 21.11 Topic:
Journey Through Paths Never Yet Seen
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Quote Williams Wordsworth
("To begin, begin")
Easy (1 pt):  Include a recipe you like
(I did not)


  1. Your photos and words are gorgeous...we shall have to return when winter is always pretty when it is green. Loved this write, just perfect for the prompts!!!

  2. I know those places are out there, but I don't seem to look as often as I used to - sadly.

  3. The heat in Texas has made me too much of an indoor dweler. It's also barren within. I can only hope for a crisper fall days. I seem to awaken then. Your words prompted great insights, dollface. Thanks

  4. The photos go so well with your words, Dollface.


  5. This poem correlates wonderfully with the picture containing the picnic table. Now I want a real picnic with an authentic picnic basket, in a place so deep in the woods, that when a piece of bark lands in the leaves, due to an errant foul strike from a woodpecker, I glance over my shoulder, half expecting to confront a bear.

  6. Great photos, great writing. 7 points Earthling


  7. Hadn't connected the prompts to Narnia but it fits wonderfully! Also reminded me of the Never Ending Story!
