Sunday, August 26, 2018

Love's Eternal

Eternal whispers
a lover's verse
softly traverse
the universe

close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
imagine me
the moon appears
a guiding light
she knows the night
and sets her sight
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
look for me
time stands still
but not for long
feel the song
it can't be wrong
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
stay with me
upon the table
all laid bare
heart declared
said the prayer
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
fight for me
the moon bows
a moment passed
no reason asked
the die was cast
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
remember me
there is no night
there is no day
all the wishes fade to grey
I'd have loved you anyway.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 26, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 26.11 Topic:  "Make a Wish - Count to Three"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts:)  Incorporate a naughty word (I did not)
Easy (1 pt):  Mention a mountain closest to where you live
("Table" Mountain)


  1. You surmise comes as no surprise.
    It is who you are and what you do.
    Sounding voice, light of your eyes;
    that of one not just passing through,
    unless you wield a clever disguise.

    1. The trick is learning whom to believe
      and whom to trust at first light
      disguise offers no reprieve
      nor solace from the lovelorn plight
      when the heart is worn on one's sleeve.

  2. Oh, my. I daresay all her wishes came true. 8 points, Earthling. I took your 'bare' to be a naughty word. It could be a naughty word or not? If one bare all (physically) in a sense is naughty? Depending on the situation? If one bare all poetically, not so much naughty as in artistic? :)

    1. lol! I suppose "baring it all" could be construed as naughty in certain context. I'll certainly take the extra points if you're so inclined ;)

  3. So heartrending, so beautiful. These could be song lyrics, and I love the gentle repetitive stanza that changes ever so slightly. I'm feeling this. Love you! xoxo

    1. One of these days I need to get together with someone who can write music and try to see if something sticks. Thanks, Colleen, your comments always bring a smile to my face. Love you xoxo

  4. WOW, your words just get better and better...I agree with Colleen, this should be a song!! And what a beautiful version of this song. I love it. Perfect combo!!

    1. I first heard of this band when they did Turning Page from Breaking Dawn (from the Twilight series)

      And thank you. Know any singer/musicians who want to collab? lol!

  5. Never sure if they remember me, but know I'll never forget them

  6. Dollface, this is beautiful!

