Saturday, January 19, 2019

Vermilion Moon

~ Vermilion Moon ~
She returned to the place it all started
and knelt under the canopy of stars
palms to ground, she bowed her head
shielding her sight from the celestial display
of a moon bathed in iridescent hopes
that has only ever passed her by
with accusing eyes, she looked up
imploring to know why?
why has the moon forsaken her
after all the secrets told
and all the wishes wished;
all she released to the moon
garnered her only silence in return
the stars are taken aback
by the moon's apparent disregard;
ashamed for their unwitting part
in dreams unfulfilled
they flee the sky
and under the weight
of a thousand empty promises
the moon turned vermilion

morose is the night
with no solace to offer
the vermilion moon
hangs heavy in the sky
seeking atonement
that never comes.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  January 19, 2019
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 46.11 topic:  Why?
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a line from a Robert Frost poem *
Easy (1 pt):  Include the word "vermilion"
* And Only Passed Her By ("Wind and Window Flower")
(I paraphrased it)


  1. Now this is a stance, that perchance, has never been stated.
    Who would dare, besides you?
    I hope you have a choice seat for the eclipse tonight.

  2. Ah, that vermilion moon can be so cold. Lovely write and Happy Birthday! 8 points Earthling!

  3. I can feel the heaviness and the betrayal and the disillusion...hoping this is that point of darkness before the dawn.
