Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Command your cards (for Blogophilia)

Elevate a jack to a king
wonder why he does not sing
realize the truth he tried to distort
you never held the same court…

Refuse to bow to any queen
laugh at restrictions, sight unseen
wear independence as a second skin
you hold the power within

Love the joker who called your bluff
ignore your heart when it cries ‘enough’
listen when it makes no sense
you could always climb over that fence

Believe the truth within your soul
restore conviction in every goal
remember life is yours to embrace
you always hold the ace.

© Dahlia Ramone, April 14, 2015


This was written for Blogophilia Week 8.8
Topic:  From a Jack to a King
(I did not use any bonus points)


  1. There is great resolve in this fine lyrical piece. I love a last word incident, and you got one here.

    1. I always did like to get the last word ;)

      Thanks, dollface. Love you madly <3

  2. Love it!!! Yes...YOU always hold the ace. Such a good use of the prompts here Lisa!!

    1. Thank you, C. The bonus points were very difficult, the only way I thought to include everything would have been another Max & Mara story, but while I was writing a non-Blogo poem, the first two lines of this poem came to me. They didn't fit into what I was writing, so I let them take a life of their own ;)

  3. Love the confidence, know how hard/impossible it is to ignore your heart

    1. I have plenty of confidence in some aspects (mostly those with a hint of rebellion) but others, not so much. The heart is the hardest one to control. *sighs* Thanks, dollface :)

  4. Replies
    1. I am a horrible poker player, but I love gin rummy and games where you play trump cards. And of course 'sh*t on your neighbor' is also a great card game ;)

  5. you trumped this challenge with a great write!!

    1. Thank you Linda, it was one of my quicker writes. I think the cards were in my favor for a time ;)

  6. Love this, Dollface!


    1. Thanks, dollface. You know, when I wrote this poem I almost went with my first thought on one of the stanzas, and almost had it read like this:

      Refuse to bow to any queen
      (except that doll Irene, the fristing queen)
      laugh at restrictions, sight unseen
      wear independence as a second skin
      you hold the power within


    2. hehe....love it :) All hail to the firsting queen!

  7. You're such a talented poet. I love this.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Your comment made me smile :)

  8. You conquered the entire deck with this. Well done

  9. Ah, your poetry always amazes me and really makes me FEEL!!! I love the conviction and the feeling I get reading this. We learn such valuable lessons along the path of life, and one of the greatest ones is to LISTEN to your body....and first and foremost, your heart! When it has had enough, it has had enough. Just beautiful, and the metaphors are stunning ((((DOLLFACE))))!!! Love you! xoxo

    1. Ah, such high praise coming from one of my favorite poets - thank you, dollface - I always feel your poetry as well :)

      I love using metaphors, but whenever I hear that word, I always think of the Friends pilot episode where Rachael's talking to her dad on the phone and she says "maybe I don't want to be a shoe, maybe I want to be a hat." "it's a metaphor, daddy!" lolol! That still makes me laugh :D Love you tons!!!

  10. Yeah, what they all said above! You always write amazing poetry!

    Blue fuul

  11. lol! You are nobody's fuul. Thanks, dollface. Love you <3
