Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Book With No Cover

~ A Book with No Cover ~
We were together.  I forget the rest.
was it a dream?
I shake my head
clarity whispers from the corners:
"whose story did you see?"
I search, but come up empty
all I can find is a book with no cover
it could be anyone's story
or it could be ours.
I and this mystery, here we stand, surrounded,
detached in measureless oceans of space
where words pirouette on top of themselves
dancing with possibilities for each new page
begging to be written, savored, immortalized
the words of my book nothing
the drift of it everything;
only themselves understand themselves
as souls only understand souls
but where is that I started for, so long ago
and why is it yet unfound?
I pick up that book with no cover
as my fingers softly fan the pages
images from my dream float up from them
you are smiling at me
and you are holding a pen.
(c)  Dahlia Ramone:  October 7, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 32.11 Topic:  "The Best Books"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts:)  Quote Walt Whitman *
Easy (1 pt):  Use two words that begin with the letter Z
(I did not)
*  Quotes (in italics in poem):
"We were together.  I forget the rest"
"I and this mystery, here we stand"
"Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space"
"The words of my book nothing, the drift of it everything"
"Only themselves understand themselves... as souls only understand souls"
"But where is that I started for, so long ago?
And why is it yet unfound?"


  1. A mystery only to be found in life's pages.

  2. First indeed. You caught Irene napping lol!)

  3. Someone burned my book long ago... Now I just riff...

    Love this one.

  4. Wow wonderful weaving of Whitman's words into your own perfect masterpiece.

  5. The gist of the story is found in the center of a book, where as, with a short story, the final paragraph renders the twist and turn of a telling...

    I will admit, I have always passed over books without covers, and I don't know why.

  6. I think I'm willing to share the pen, not sure I'd let someone else hold it all the time - at least not these days

  7. Great use of the prompt. 7 points Earthling

