Sunday, March 3, 2019

Midnight by the Numbers

~ Midnight by the Numbers ~

Eleven eleven
the pinnacle of wishful thinking
carries me to midnight
once again
twelve ten
the special appeal of midnight
begins to lose its allure
the stars did not align
twelve twenty-nine
another someday slips away
I shrug, not surprised
I've never left with more
twelve fifty-four
it's time to walk away
I hang my heart on the moon
another midnight, gone too soon.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  March 3, 2019
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 53.11 Topic:  Midnight Special
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts:)  Include something you would find in Oz (heart)
Easy (1 pt:)  Incorporate the title of a Patsy Cline song (someday)


  1. 00:00 - time to start again! The prompts were definitely down your ally, dollface! <3 Leta

  2. This reads like a true romantics doomsday clock. Each tick, echoing the beat of a loyal heart! xo

  3. Strangely I've never felt anything special about midnight. Sunset, Moonrise and Dawn all are significant in my mind, but midnight no so much

  4. Midnight always comes too fast for me. It is there shortly after I get home from work. It is gone too soon.

    Michelle King

  5. It's been a while since I watched midnight pass before me awake.

    I love the use of time in each stanza.

  6. Very beautiful and heartfelt.... the slipping of time away does seem to pull at our hope at times. Love this, love you! xoxo

  7. Love what you did with the challenge, Dollface!


  8. Lots of things happen around the midnight hour! Some are not even remembered the next day! :) 8 points, Earthling!!

    Marvin aka Martien

  9. Bewitched bothered and bewildered seems to always be the theme after midnight.

  10. By the light of the moon...precious midnight.
