Saturday, July 25, 2015

At Land's End

~ At Land’s End ~

I’m searching for a brand new world
to live and love with souls unfurled
look inside and you will find me
at land’s end, where I am most free

Essence captured, no need to roam
a place to make and call my home
share my sight, and feel what I see
at land’s end, where I am most free

Kiss the sunlight, sing to the sky
love in freedom, and don’t ask why
watch my heart soar (does yours agree?)
at land’s end, where I am most free

I’m searching for a brand new world
at land’s end, where I am most free

© 2015 Dahlia Ramone

This was written for Blogophilia Week 22.8

Topic:  At Land’s End

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts)  Mention a line or lyric of any song by the musicians "WAR" **
(Easy, 1 pt)  Incorporate the phrase 'kiss the sunlight and sing to the sky'

** “I’m searching for a brand new world / to make and call my home”
from the song Gypsy Man (I cut the lyric up into two stanzas)


  1. Love this !! Great write !!

  2. Wow!! Now how can I possibly be first? I am loving this sonnet.... not sure the exact format as I've had two glasses of Chianti haha.... But this gives me such a peaceful, easy feeling! I can almost hear the Eagles singing.... ;) Love you ((((DOLLFACE)))! <3

    1. Hey, dollface. You were almost first :) And this is a quasi-Shakespearean sonnet - correct lines and rhyme are there, but you know I don't even attempt to do iambic pentameter; I'm such a rebel :P And there is nothing like the ocean - your poem was beautiful. Love you, too <3

  3. Oh heck, Kim H BEET me hahaha! ;) I paused too long to edit my mistakes. ;)

    1. I always have to correct my mistakes too, before someone sees them! lol!

  4. Awww. This is so cute and speaks my heart in these matters. Huggs, Dollface!! XOX

  5. Your Lands End sounds like the place to be. Loved this poem

    1. Thanks, Stormy :) This place is Neist Point (you can just barely make out the lighthouse at the end) on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. It's one of the places I'm most excited about seeing next year! I'll have to bring extra blankets and coats because once I'm actually there, I don't think I'd ever want to leave.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Brian. It was so good to see you actually post something today, it's been way too long!

  7. Two sonnets in the same day? I am awed by the accomplishment and the sonnet. Loving the Soup Dragons too...

    1. The first sonnet I posted I actually wrote earlier this week - I just tweaked it a bit this morning before posting. But this Kyrielle I did write from scratch today. And I thought of you after I chose this song, because I thought you'd like this band too.

  8. Just lovely, Dollface!


  9. Beautiful and exquisite.... this reminds me a bit of Venus, which I can sometimes see on a clear day when your planet slips ahead in orbit. Delightful! Oh, and 8 points, Earthling!

    --Marvin Martian

    1. Thanks for the points, Martian Dude. And I bet that view of Venus is beautiful. Not quite like an open sea, but still..... ;)

  10. Love it!!! Love the song!!! I am all about Freedom and Edges...Beautiful photo too!!

    1. That photo is on my list, we'll walk (or drive loll!) along that very spot when we go to Skye next summer :) I loved this song since the first time I heard it, and I know you're all about freedom and edges - what an irresistible combination.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, Christopher :) I was going to do another travel blog, but then this poem just came to me.

  12. Pause at precipice, only as long as necessary to gather momentum. I like where this is going.

    1. Then take that leap of faith? I think I've paused long enough ;)
