Sunday, February 21, 2016


~ Crossroads ~
You left your fingerprints on my soul
the connection, a thousand kisses deep
and I cannot erase the memories
because of you, I measured everyone
by how well they thought they knew me
and the results always ended in darkness
the night comes on, the moon comes out
and I implore her to show me
the place where I belong
She smiles at my confusion
and says everybody knows what they need
once they figure out what 'home' means
a person...a place... a sense of familiarity
what puts you at peace
who makes you feel safe?
I sift through an avalanche of emotions
and weigh the years gone by
wondering if they've changed anything
time can change everything or nothing
but when I close my eyes and think of you
it just feels like going home
in my secret life
I am always coming back to you
because you never left my heart
we have two choices:
I can leave well enough alone
or you can take this longing
and dance me to the end of love.
(c) Dahlia Ramones:  February 21, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia:
Week 1.9 Topic:  Two Choices
Bonus prompts:
(Hard, 2 pts):  Use three Leonard Cohen Titles*
(Easy, 2 pt):  Incorporate a confession
(you never left my heart)
*I used multiple song titles:
A Thousand Kisses Keep
Because Of
Night Comes On
Show Me The Place
Everybody Knows
It Just Feels
Going Home
In My Secret Life
Coming Back To You
Take This Longing
Dance Me To The End of Love


  1. Replies
    1. Well, I don't currently have a partner, this was more reflective. Still, I've reflected often through the years and we always have choices to make, but the opportunities have to be there first before the choices can be made. And sometimes, we choose not to choose.

  2. My well enough is never enough to settle for, so opting for the alternate is liking my first best option.

    1. I'm sure your well enough is well enough for anyone, no settling to be had ;)

  3. For the record, "likely" was what I meant, rather than "liming." ;)

  4. Oh, my! What a wonderful poem left up to choice. 8 settling points, Earthling!! :)

    Marvin Martian

    1. Thank you, Marvin. There were so many good topics and prompts to choose from this week :)

  5. wow you are so good at putting those titles together and stringing them into a gorgeous poetry necklace that is all your own. Wonderful write my friend!! xo

    1. There were so many good titles I tried not to use too many, but I couldn't help it. The poem pretty much wrote itself.

  6. LOve the poem, Dollface! Home is where the heart is.. :)


  7. You know me - I always favor dancing

    Loving the Leonard Cohen too

    1. Yeah, you would choose that option every time. And Leonard Cohen was a great prompt to use. Thanks, Tyler :)

  8. Oh this truly pulls at my heartstrings tonight... I'm feeling the loneliness, the palpable melancholy and that wanting to know where home is. Just gorgeous my friend!!! Love ya (((DOLLFACE))))!!! <3

    1. Seems I've been searching for home for so long, sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find it. Maybe I was just born to be restless. *shrugs*

      Thanks, dollface. Love you so much <3

  9. Stunning moving and simply beautiful... I just finished writing mine, inspired by Cohen too... that man lives permanently in my heart. <3

    1. Yeah, he has some amazing songs. Once I saw that prompt option, I didn't even both researching the other ones. <3

  10. I guess it's Leonard Cohen as well...I don't thinks there's anything he's done that hasn't struck some note in me. I loved the poem --it was beautiful. Some people that enter our lives and leave (for whatever reason) are simply unforgettable --both a good and s bad thing because they may be such a hard act for anyone else to follow.

    1. Thanks, Demme. I think there's always one special person in our lives that we always keep to our hearts and occasionally wonder "what if?" At least there has been with me.

  11. Ah, home. I have found home in different places and with different people throughout my life, once in a romantic relationship, and there have been many times I felt the absence of home as well. Times when my soul wandered, feeling lost.

    You've obviously got me thinking. It's a beautiful poem, full of longing.

    1. It's good to get you thinking, I enjoy reading your ponderings :) And I've been wondering for a long time now where 'home' is. I don't settled in my soul like it's here, in my hometown, even though that's where family is. I still feel a sense of restlessness.

      Some of the best years of my life were when I lived in L.A. in the 80s, and I always thought I'd move back one day. But maybe 'home' is someplace I've never been to yet, or with someone I have yet to meet. I suppose I'll know once I've reached it.

  12. Beautiful poem, but a person should were gloves when handling a soul

    1. Thank you, jissilly. And the gloves would be because a soul is both delicate and messy? I know mine is a little of both.

  13. You always seem to write the words that rest in my heart, beautifully. I have few words here to say...maybe it just hits too close to home for me. Love you.

    1. The coincidences of events in our lives is uncanny at times. I think it just reiterates that we are soul sisters. Love you so much <3

  14. Don't you love it when a list becomes totally involved in your creations..Love how you used all your titles

    1. Thank you, Stormy. The song titles were too good not to use.

  15. Very enchanting and wonderful poem! :)

