Monday, February 29, 2016

Here I Am

"From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows shall spring;
renewed shall be blade that was broken
the crownless shall again be king"
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Fellowship of the Ring)
Here I am
in the joyous summer
when you discovered me
your words so sweet, they swept me in
as you spoke of our future
and how much you needed me
I believed it all, basking in your romance
and in your arms, I finally felt at home
"False hopes are more dangerous than fears"
Here I am
in the bleak midwinter
when I discovered you
I learned your truth as your shoulder grew colder
that you past wasn't really in the past
proof of my presence was meant for display
purpose served, I was discarded
as wedding bells rang for you
"How do you move on?
You move on when your heart finally understands
that there is no turning back"
Here I am
at the edge of spring
trying to find myself again
crawling back from the hell of betrayal
where hope lies in ashes
and empty words weigh me down
yet I rise
with a quiet strength I had forgotten 
dusting off your lies and false pretenses
I turn toward the sun, determined
to reclaim the fighter in me
I focus on not looking back
as each step takes me
farther away from you.
"I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted.
I have forgotten much that I thought I knew,
and learned again much that I had forgotten."
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  February 28, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 2.9 Topic:  In the Bleak Midwinter
Bonus Points:
(Hard 2 pts:) Incorporate a Lyle Lovett lyric (Here I Am)
(Easy, 1 pt:) Use a quote from J.R.R. Tolkien (in italics)
"False hopes are more dangerous than fears"
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Children of Hurin)
"How do you move on? You move on when your heart
Finally understands there is no turning back."
J.R.R. Tolkien
"I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted.
I have forgotten much that I thought I knew,
And learned again much that I had forgotten."
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings)


  1. amazing....and YES you shall rise!!! I don't know anyone stronger than you. I learn so much from your strength. Love you friend and LOVE this poem so much!!! xo

    1. I guess I'm like Dory, I just keep swimming. lol!

      But thank you, you are so many things that I could never be, so I'm touched that I have that impact on you. Love you so much <3

  2. Ah, the heartache of lost love. *sigh* and yet we always manage to move on. Love how you expressed this feeling so well, Dollface.


    1. Yeah, love just sucks :/ But you're right, we always move on. It just usually takes me a couple years to get through it. *sighs* One day I'll be there.

      Thanks, dollface :)

  3. so insightful and introspective, a raw journey of the heart, painfully honest, and I stand back in great admiration. love you, dollface

    1. Yeah, it is still very raw, my heart's a mess and my mind is reeling. Every day I want to send him a letter I wrote, but every night, I don't. I suppose that, in itself, is progress. Love you m00n sister <3

  4. No doubting your direction here is any manner of away, and rightfully so. Overwhelming depth on display, nothing left on the table...

    Captivating writing, Dahlia.

    1. Nothing left on the table, no bread crumbs to follow (it's a long journey, I may get hungry along the way). Now all I'm taking with me are Dead Memories in my heart...

  5. Wow - so human and exposed. But love the strength I see to keep moving forward

    1. I'm having to dig deep for the strength. But somehow I keep finding it.

  6. The past tends not to stay buried. And that is sometimes hard to accept.

    1. It's even harder to accept when you didn't even know about it. *sighs* Thanks, Christopher.

  7. My heart absolutely aches for you, ((((DOLLFACE))))!!! Though this is exquisite in its beauty and raw emotion, I just hate that you have to go through this. I remember feeling exactly this way back in the 80s....that I couldn't go on, but somehow we just do. Love you, girlfriend!!!! xoxoxo

    1. Yeah, we go on because we have to. But the struggle is real. I seriously doubt I'll ever be able to believe in anybody anymore.

      Thanks, dollface. You are such a special friend and I love you <3

  8. You are indeed a Phoenix and dust is not your destiny, Rise and let your flames shine through!

    1. *Smiles* You are such a brilliant friend. Love you, Blue Dude <3

  9. Yes, yes indeed! Here you are and as I gaze upon your glory I know that you shall overcome this pain!

    8 points Earthling!
    Marvin :)

    1. Today was really, really hard. Thank you for that vote of confidence, Marvin <3

  10. Very moving. I can feel all the raw emotion involved.

  11. Your words touches the depth of my being. I would have thought "Someone Like You" by Adele was along the same as your lines. Beautiful lines. (((hugs)))

    1. I thought about that song, Leta, it's such a great and moving song. And I would have liked to find someone like the first part of him, but because of the second part of him, I wouldn't want anyone to find that. Love you <3

  12. Love this! Great use of the quotes!

  13. You really aced this one
