Sunday, February 7, 2016

Letting Go

~ Letting Go ~
High on a ledge above the sea, lost in thoughts
balanced on the edge of reality, not the one she sought
she couldn't go back, she had loved for naught
she couldn't go forward, her heart too distraught
the awakening came without a sound
a gradual dawning as he stopped coming around
no goodbye offered, no closure found
no anger to carry onto a battleground
in limbo on a ledge, and she couldn't understand
how forever turned to never, was that how he planned?
or did she disappoint, were they doomed beforehand?
their time played in an hourglass that ran out of sand
words of romance long cut off, only silence in their place
yet she remembered them each time she sought his face
she knew she lost something she could never replace
~ her heart ~ for it still beats for his embrace
torn with indecision, she didn't know how to be okay
to see if he was happy, she knew she'd have to stay
but she couldn't continue living in this state of disarray
so she wished him well, let go, and slipped away.
(c) Dahlia Ramone: February 7, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 51.8 topic:  Lost in Seaside Thoughts (I paraphrased it)
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 puts): Create a desperate action for your character
(Easy, 1 pt): Mention a Charlton Heaton movie (The Awakening)


  1. tragic...end...but the words are all perfection!

    1. Well, the character *was* supposed to do something desperate. And I was listening to this song the other day, so it all tied in.

  2. Love doesn't always work out the way we want it to *sigh*


  3. Very haunting

    Sometimes balance means more than passion

    1. Balance can be one of the most difficult things to establish and it requires clarity. Unfortunately, passion often clouds clarity.

    2. Balance requires a center as well and passion can be that

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, it's heartbreaking that anyone thinks that is a solution. Thanks for reading, Christopher.

  5. Oh always...
    The silence kills a heart like nothing other. No closure, no explanation to make it somehow make sense. The feeling like it must've not meant much to be able to just walk away that way. You and I don't just walk away. But I think the silence comes because they don't know what to say and then time just makes it worse. I guess it becomes easier to not say anything than to try to explain. ...or say I'm sorry. Tragic truth written in ink here. Love you

    1. You nailed it, girlfriend. It's that feeling that you or the relationship really couldn't have meant anything, if someone could just walk away from it. There's a quote I found and saved on Pinterest that basically says "if my absence means nothing to you, then my presence couldn't have meant much either." And that is a tragic truth. *sighs*. Love you, too <3

  6. I can feel that wistful sand, blowing a lullaby kiss, in your words....


  7. If I still read live poetry, I would be begging you for this one. Meh... Reading aloud to myself...

    "On the ledge" part makes me nervous, so I call, categorize as metaphorical. From there, I see a search for solutions is in the works, just not today...

    Great poem. You are nice to wake up to.

    1. lol! I would have given it to you, too. And solutions eventually come, just not as quickly as we'd like.


  8. Oh man, this pulls my heart out and rips it to shreds!!! Much like the poor girl in the poem. You so eloquently paint with your beautiful words the sad, tragic picture of how some with broken hearts can be driven to the edge. Literally. Love you Dollface!!! <3

    1. The weight of a broken heart can almost drown a person, it takes such inner strength to pull through, and a lot of time. It is tragic the some don't realize there is always time to heal. Thanks, Colleen, love you tons!

  9. Desperations last act in the play of life. Sad indeed Fantastic poem! 8 points Earthling! :)


    1. Sadly, it is truly the final curtain call. Thanks for the points, Marvin, I actually earned them all this week ;)

  10. You're a like a siren Dahlia! You're luring me toward the sea!

    1. Ah, the sea is the most soul-searching, mesmerizing rewarding place to be. But do not worry, I will keep you safe through the waters. Unless you break my heart. Then all bets are off ;)

  11. I love the ocean and if the choice needed making then I would have chosen the same as she. Love isn't always a many splendored thing more often it is a many slpintered thing

    1. make that splintered thing and not slpintered thing

    2. I think I am better off choosing the ocean over love, maybe just not the bottom of the ocean ;)

  12. Oh wow, this is so haunting and sad. Well penned.

  13. I've never heard that song before but it sure brings home your words. I love the way your ink flowed, dollface. Huggs!! ...Leta :)

    1. Thanks, Leta. I've actually loved this song for years.

  14. So very talented. Feeling the powerful emotions through each word.

  15. We had the same theme this week, but yours is way better than mine

    1. Awww, I'll have to stop by to read yours. Thanks for coming by, Stormy.

  16. So sad and so moving. Your poetry makes me think of music by The Moody Blues.
    As in "Nights in White Satin"
