Sunday, June 18, 2017

Wicked Sun Lying Moon

~ Wicked Sun Lying Moon ~

There's a place I seek
between day and night
where there is no darkness
and there is no light
there's no sun to lure you
touting warmth like a song
only to burn you
if you stay too long
the moon you can't trust
to bury your scars
she asks for your wishes
then keeps them trapped in the stars
promises broken before they begin
dreams falter as the grey seeps in...
the sun is shining
or so I've been told
in seeking its heat
I became lost in the cold
I sought truth in the night
and saw the moon as my guide
"never say never" she'd whisper
until I realized she lied
I cannot forgive the moon her indiscretions
nor look beyond the sun's harsh lessons
limbo is a place
between slim and none
where there is no pain to heal
because no damage has been done
no day or night
to count or compare
in the belly of submission
you will find me there.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  June 18, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 17.10 Topic: "Never Say Never"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include a broken promise
Easy (1 pt): Include the name of a cowboy *
* Slim (Whitaker)


  1. First? Ahhhh.... this is the kind of darkness that truly bleeds from the soul. I love it, wicked sun, lying moon and all. I think sometimes we need to just let the emotions flow. This is so beautiful, Dollface. xoxo

    1. Seems like it's been a while since I've written a poem, it felt good to take a walk on the dark side again ;) Love you <3

  2. This leaves me somewhat speechless. I know how it makes me feel, but I can not explain. Riffing eludes me.

    No doubt, this is a strong favorite of mine. I will read it over and over again.

    1. Thanks, Myke. I'm glad it made you feel something, means I did something right ;)

  3. Very dark indeed. And then you went and made me laugh. Slim Whitaker?? haha
    Beautiful imagery... -Dave Raider

    1. Haha! You know I had to Google cowboys, right? In and out, I didn't spend anymore time in that research than I had to :D

  4. Hmmm...not too dark. Love it, Dollface!


    1. No, it wasn't too bad, I think I've gone darker - lol!

  5. You make limbo sound like somewhere I'd enjoy - I've never thought of it that way

    1. It might not necessarily be a bad place. I guess it's all about perspective. *shrugs*

  6. We gaze under the same moon and stars as our minds drift and mingle together. Such darkness. 8 points, Earthling! :)

    -Martien aka Marvin :)

  7. This leaves me somewhat speechless. I know how it makes me feel, but I can not explain. Riffing eludes me.

    No doubt, this is a strong favorite of mine. I will read it over and over again.

  8. Nicely dark! I like it when you go to the dark side!
