Sunday, August 27, 2017

Diaphanous Heart

~ Diaphanous Heart ~

Diaphanous heart, sheltered deep
protected only when I sleep
walk no more tightrope in the grey
just one more dream, then break away
I have some scars from where I've been
I know I'll walk that path again
a heart's yearning, love will betray
just one more dream, then break away
trapped by my past, sometimes I wish
to emerge from this chrysalis
and fly away from yesterday
just one more dream, then break away
diaphanous heart, sheltered deep
just one more dream, then break away
(c) Dahlia Ramone: August 27, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 27.10 topic:  Sometimes I Wish
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Include a lyric from a U2 song *
Easy (1 pt): Incorporate the word "diaphanous" **
* I have some scars from where I've been (Song for Someone)
(second stanza)
** First and last stanzas

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sojourn with the Devil

~ Sojourn with the Devil ~
"Name your price" the devil said, "and you can have it all"
he looked at me intently, wanting me to fall
but I could hear the sunlight, banging on the wall
it wasn't over yet, I just needed time to stall
they say all things are cyclical
and I've been ever cynical
the devil's promise... so cryptical
and my next move is critical
I listen for the sunlight, it whispers your name
the devil's eyes light up, he knows how to play this game
"it's cyclical" he tells me, "it always ends the same"
I search deep within and wonder where to lay the blame
the room grows darker, I'm losing the sun
walls are closing in, there's nowhere to run
time seems to be over before it's begun
the devil smiles gleefully, thinking he's won

but he doesn't have me yet, and watches in dismay
as I fall to my knees and begin to pray
it's not a long walk if you meet me halfway
don't be the sun that fades away.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 20, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 26.10 Topic:  Name Your Price
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Include a lyric or song title from The Grateful Dead *
Easy (1 pt): Use Last Shadow Puppy lyrics **
* Don't be the sun that fades away (from Easy to Love You)
(last line)
** Sunlight banging on your wall (from Pattern)
(third line)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Moon Song

~ Moon Song ~
I used to know a hundred songs
that gave me hope to right the wrongs
I'd serenade the moon each night
but one by one, they weren't quite right
somewhere in between you and me
she's hidden a song, in her key
I searched each place within my sight
but one by one, they weren't quite right
she said to listen, close my eyes
but I could only agonize
I sought answers to ease my plight
but one by one, they weren't quite right
I used to know a hundred songs
but one by one, they weren't quite right.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 13, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 25.10 Topic:  Puppy Love *
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Include a Kate Bush Lyric **
Easy (1 pt): Include the phrase "an elephant never forgets"
(I did not)
* I did not write on topic
** Somewhere in between (second stanza)
(from the song Somewhere in Between)

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Fire and Wind

~ Fire and Wind ~
You are fire and wind
elements that ignite me
fiery passion
temperatures rise
your breeze becomes a tempest
I become lost in your storm
and it's contagious
your smile, so warm
heats up each path it travels
it eludes me now
and I tremble
your touch, but a whisper
it passes right through me
as if I wasn't there
you are fire and wind
elements that destroy me
I stand in your arena
the seeing, and unseen,
walk - don't run
I hesitate
(do you remember me?)
fan the flames
keep the scars
the warning flashes in the sky
tempt the tempest
seal my fate
what have I become?
you circle me
I feel your heat
not sure I can resist
you reach for me
I say a prayer
and enter into the storm.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 6, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 24.10 Topic:  Walk, Don't Run
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Use a Regina Spektor lyric *
Easy (1 pt): Include a radio station call letters **
* "And it's contagious" (from the song Us)
(second stanza)
** KEEP (103.1, Bandera, TX)
(seventh stanza)

Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Angel and the Hound

~ The Angel and the Hound ~
On the wings of transgression, an angel flies
while the night is still young
hope is not lost
she knew that fire burned him, burned within him,
and that wildfire would push him to the edge
she also knew his goodness was inherent
and she sought to save him from himself
breaking through the glass separating duty from morality
she touches him, and plants a seed
clarity cannot be seen in chaos
but it can be nurtured to survive

it is a long path they walk
on the edge of redemption
pushed back by malevolence
blinded by retaliation
but never completely lost
the seed has taken root
a greater purpose has been seen
questions and doubts plague him
yet, his compassion grows
the future is fraught with danger
both from outside and within
she offers her protection
and imparts on him his value
she remains his angel
a savior by his side
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 5, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 22.10 Topic:  Through the Glass
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a Billy Joel Lyric *
Easy (1 pt): Include the word "wildfire" **
* While the night is still young
("Night is Still Young") (first stanza)
** (second stanza)