Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Angel and the Hound

~ The Angel and the Hound ~
On the wings of transgression, an angel flies
while the night is still young
hope is not lost
she knew that fire burned him, burned within him,
and that wildfire would push him to the edge
she also knew his goodness was inherent
and she sought to save him from himself
breaking through the glass separating duty from morality
she touches him, and plants a seed
clarity cannot be seen in chaos
but it can be nurtured to survive

it is a long path they walk
on the edge of redemption
pushed back by malevolence
blinded by retaliation
but never completely lost
the seed has taken root
a greater purpose has been seen
questions and doubts plague him
yet, his compassion grows
the future is fraught with danger
both from outside and within
she offers her protection
and imparts on him his value
she remains his angel
a savior by his side
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 5, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 22.10 Topic:  Through the Glass
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a Billy Joel Lyric *
Easy (1 pt): Include the word "wildfire" **
* While the night is still young
("Night is Still Young") (first stanza)
** (second stanza)


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, we do. I know mine has stopped by on more than one occasions.

  2. Wow, just wow. "Clarity cannot be seen in chaos...." I just love that line, such truth. This is such a beautiful and gentle poem, giving hope that those we love will walk the right path. Love it, and YOU, Dollface. <3

    1. The right path isn't always easy, we definitely need the strength of friends and angels at times. Thanks, dollface. Love you, too! <3

  3. Oh my - that we would all have a guardian angel watching over us. I am hoping mine is from Venus...just sayin'! 8 points, Earthling!

  4. A Guardian Guiding Angel allows,
    a narrow night time bridge crossed;
    never mind the whys or the hows;
    all that matters is, none were lost.

    1. It can be quite the task at times, it's that end result that matters :)

  5. Quite the romantic piece. I love it ❤️

  6. Beautiful poem, Dollface!

