Sunday, August 6, 2017

Fire and Wind

~ Fire and Wind ~
You are fire and wind
elements that ignite me
fiery passion
temperatures rise
your breeze becomes a tempest
I become lost in your storm
and it's contagious
your smile, so warm
heats up each path it travels
it eludes me now
and I tremble
your touch, but a whisper
it passes right through me
as if I wasn't there
you are fire and wind
elements that destroy me
I stand in your arena
the seeing, and unseen,
walk - don't run
I hesitate
(do you remember me?)
fan the flames
keep the scars
the warning flashes in the sky
tempt the tempest
seal my fate
what have I become?
you circle me
I feel your heat
not sure I can resist
you reach for me
I say a prayer
and enter into the storm.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 6, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 24.10 Topic:  Walk, Don't Run
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Use a Regina Spektor lyric *
Easy (1 pt): Include a radio station call letters **
* "And it's contagious" (from the song Us)
(second stanza)
** KEEP (103.1, Bandera, TX)
(seventh stanza)


  1. Your emotional gamut transpires and transcends, bends but does not break.

    Elementally essential, Dahlia.

  2. I love this... it's like a siren call, a song... a storm that one would enter into quite willingly!!! Beautifully done, Dollface! <3

  3. Oooh the intensity and the passion...LOVE this one Lisa xo

    1. That combination can be hard to walk away from, even to one's detriment. Thanks, C - glad you loved it <3

  4. Never have I read a poem of yours that I did not like, Dollface!


  5. Some like it hot
    Some like it not
    The storm's desire feeds the fire
    and produces 8 points Earthling! :)

    The Martian

    1. The storm's desire DOES feed the fire - haha! Thanks, Martian Dude ;)

  6. Very intense and love the roller coaster ride you take

  7. this has it all Dahlia .. such fiery passion in the heat of the moment... quite brilliant ... :-)
