Sunday, August 13, 2017

Moon Song

~ Moon Song ~
I used to know a hundred songs
that gave me hope to right the wrongs
I'd serenade the moon each night
but one by one, they weren't quite right
somewhere in between you and me
she's hidden a song, in her key
I searched each place within my sight
but one by one, they weren't quite right
she said to listen, close my eyes
but I could only agonize
I sought answers to ease my plight
but one by one, they weren't quite right
I used to know a hundred songs
but one by one, they weren't quite right.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 13, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 25.10 Topic:  Puppy Love *
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Include a Kate Bush Lyric **
Easy (1 pt): Include the phrase "an elephant never forgets"
(I did not)
* I did not write on topic
** Somewhere in between (second stanza)
(from the song Somewhere in Between)


  1. First? Ahhh, what an exquisite and heartfelt Kyrielle sonnet! Very winsome and longing... you know I love it, Dollface! xoxo <3

  2. I can feel this deep down. Hopefully there will still be songs to learn

  3. Just Wow Lisa I can't stop reading this over and over. Simply one of your best writes 💕

  4. I love it, Dollface!


  5. A rampant frolic, for the ages,
    in measures that defy the sages;
    perhaps words of English language
    fail to compel, reach full fledge,
    speaking volumes though not pages.

  6. And to think that it all started in a puppy love moment!

    7 points Earthling! :)


  7. love the way your verse bounces along Dehlia ... Trev
