Sunday, October 15, 2017

Errant Moon

~ Errant Moon ~
Under the guise of romance
the moon pulled me from my sleep
my heart never stood a chance
a victim of circumstance
wayward bound, lessons aren't cheap
under the guise of romance
the moon calls, and I advance
no looking back, in too deep
my heart never stood a chance
I pause, promises enhance
I see their allure, and leap
under the guise of romance
dawn breaks to release the trance
laugh's on me, nothing to keep
my heart never stood a chance
errant moon, a sideways glance
with recycled tears, I weep
under the guise of romance
my heart never stood a chance.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  October 15, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 34.10 Topic:  "Wayward Bound"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Incorporate the musical term "requiem"
Easy (1 pt): Quote Jerry Seinfeld
(I did not use any bonus prompts)


  1. When night sky gazing, never trust peripheral vision.
    Or, first impressions.

    Love this poem, Dahlia. Brilliantly conceived and executed.

    1. Peripheral vision, always eludes me
      First impressions? It's what you don't see
      Your suggestions? Taken to heart
      Lest I forget, accompany my next start?

    2. Oh, wow... I get a great poem and a rousing riffing, to boot. Sweet!

  2. Ahhh, that moon can be so tricky, can't it? I adore this villanelle! You master every single poetry format you attempt. I haven't done one of these in quite a long time.... Hmmmm....maybe I'll attempt one, maybe not? Love you, Dollface! xoxo

    1. There are soooo many forms out there that I haven't written in YEARS. I would be nice to slowly start tackling them again. Maybe start up another format Prado challenge - lol! Thanks, girlfriend. Love you tons!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. Beautiful ! I Wish someone would write a poem about Mars!

    8 points Earthling!

    1. Oh My! I was so wrapped up in this that I gave you the wrong points total, I am sorry I must correct myself and say instead of 8 points...5 points Earthling! Martien

    2. Haha! No worries, five points is what I deserved :) And a poem about Mars? Hmmmmmm.....

  4. Love this, it hits deep; stirs old memories. I'd almost forgotten that form, very nice

  5. Very nicely the rhythm and the flow to this one :)

  6. I like that poetry form! and the poem? Yeah it is awesome!

  7. Under a wayward moon lovers leap
    Drawn into a melodrama of fate they can't escape
    Oh that wayward moon its cunning and clever
    When it choose those lovers and binds them forever
    So that they never stood a chance
    Love it when another author inspires me
    Yours was so wonderfully done, just had to answer it

  8. Great poem. I loved the rythm. My heart never stood a chance.
