Sunday, October 1, 2017

Letters to the Moon

~ Letters to the Moon ~
My Dearest Moon,
About last night...
You sent me the perfect dream
you lit the candles, and set the scene
and though I couldn't quite make out his face in the shadows
I knew his soul mirrored mine.
It was an enchanted moment,
and it sees me through the day.
Thank you for the wonderful gift.
     Fondly, a Dreamer
Dear Moon,
About last night...
I have to thank you, for your guidance
'trust your heart, let Fate decide'
you whispered in my dream.
I never would have found her
if it hadn't been for you.
Best regards, a Listener
My Dearest Moon,
About last night...
It was just a prelude, right?
An introduction, of sorts,
to the rest of my life?
As the dusk grows darker
I have to wonder
will I see him again tonight?
     Fondly, a Dreamer
Dear Moon,
About last night...
I surrendered to you
and lost my heart to her.
I've heard no one has the same dream twice
but if you don't mind
could you take me there again?
Best regards, a Listener
My Dearest Moon,
About last night...
You left a bit of mystery
as to who my love might be.
If I could just ask this one favor
- a bit of clarity
so I may find him in your absence.
     Fondly, a Dreamer
Dear Moon,
About last night...
I get it now.
The light you showed me, was hers.
A reflection of love
you bounced straight to me;
and now, I know the way.
Best regards, a Listener
My Dearest Moon,
About last night...
I understand your gift now.
Before, where I couldn't see his face
the shadows were mine.
I had to clear the cobwebs
to open my eyes to him.
I know, I shall see him again.
     Fondly, a Dreamer
p.s.  Until tomorrow night...
(c) Dahlia Ramone: October 1, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 32.10 Topic:  About Last Night
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate three things found in a haunted house
(candles, shadows, mirror - first letter; cobwebs - last letter)
Easy (1 pt): Use the words from a Disney song *
* An enchanted moment, and it sees me through
(Can You Feel the Love Tonight from The Lion King - first letter)
* Trust your heart, let Fate decide
(Two Worlds from Tarzan, second letter)


  1. OMG OMG, this is brilliant! I love this - letters to the moon. SO so romantic and heartfelt, Dollface! xoxo <3 And...First?

    1. Yes, nice fristing, dollface :) And thank you. I may expand on this idea. Love you <3

  2. Such a fantastic, original idea, and the precise implementation is unwavering, from stern to bow. This is truly a masterpiece, Dahlia.

  3. Loved sweet and enchanting...letters always hold a sort of magic :)

  4. Dear listener Dreamer I am being threatened by a martian and he says he will blow me away: Help! The Moon
    We interrupt this letter to bring you an important message from the martian...8 points Earthling!


    1. Should read: Dear Listener AND Dreamer...

  5. You and the moon are one! This is so original in concept and wonderful in wording! Awesome

  6. That is why we people still follow the moon

  7. Moon inspired love letters, how romantic

  8. Letters to the moon. Love it!

