Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hebridean Dreams

~ Hebridean Dreams ~
Give me a cottage
anywhere in the Hebrides
share the wonder with me
I'm dreaming of desolate beauty
ancient ruins, mountains and rock
I'm dreaming of breathtaking views
the bluest seas and the greenest hills
white sand beaches and flowering machair
a little bit of everything
I have never been here
yet I feel I am coming home
explore the isles in the day with me
sit and watch the wildlife
they are in no hurry either
and in the evenings
keep that wood stove burning
whisper to me in Gaelic
we are all we need
in this wondrous place
and my heart is open.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  September 23, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 30.11 Topic:  "I'm Dreaming of.."
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include a Keith Urban Song *
Easy (1 pt): Use the word "magenta" (I did not)
* A little bit of everything / coming home /
my heart is open


  1. Wonderful manifestation...I can totally see every word coming true. You have painted a perfect picture!!

  2. Totally dreamy. I love it.


  3. Wow that was hard. Scottish poem with country tune

  4. I've always wanted to go... Such a beautiful way to lock a memory. This is a gorgeous poem! I love it

  5. I get those dreams completely, feel them myself even if the exact spot differs that feeling of needing to be there is universal

  6. You are the ultimate advocate for this place. Britannia should pay you to promote all its islands.

  7. Makes me want to visit Scotland! I would like to meet Nessie, for one thing. 7 points, Earthling!

  8. I'd like to go someday. :)

