Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Indigo Dreams

~ Indigo Dreams ~

Again, you come to me
familiar, yet unknown
the touch of your fingertips
whispering along my face
and I stir in my sleep
you never say a word
but I always know it's you
by the rhythm of your heartbeat
in the safety of my dreams
I feel your smile
though I do not know your face
like the bittersweet pull of the moon
she takes, and she gives
all while she promises wonder
what do you promise me?
perhaps we are the making of the stars
celestial bodies coming together
where passion meets truth meets surrender
to bask in eternal afterglow
do you promise me the stars?
indigo dreams linger on the breeze
as reality dances on shadow's edge
I reach out my hand, you smile at me
and the moon caresses destiny.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 29, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 31.9 Topic:  Imaginary Friend(s)
Bonuses: (I did not use any)
Hard (2 pts): Quote Muhammad Ali
Easy (1 pt): Mention the Tanzanian currency


  1. Perfection!!! LOVE the photo you put with this as well :) xo

    1. Thanks, C :) And it actually took me quite a while to find a photo, I was beginning to despair a little. lol!

  2. LOL...secondies then

  3. Love this, Dollface!


  4. Often I find myself between shade and shadow, just passing through;
    I hesitate, never knowing if I am running from or running to...
    Searching for my weathered compass, I look ahead; is that you?
    Might we call this an impasse, and pause a lifetime, for review?

    1. I will meet you at the impasse, with sweet tea and pizza (I'll just scrape the pesto off from your side) ;)

    2. What is a pesto?
      No; never mind.
      Some things are better a mystery.

  5. I've always believed the best dances are those on the edge of reality

  6. Dreamy ponderings here... And the Sentinel Moon makes her cameo appearance, which I just adore. Heartfelt rendering here, because sometimes there are no promises and you just have to take that risk! Hugs and Love to you, ((((DOLLFACE)))!

  7. Sweet dreams often are more promising than life. Yours stirs the soul, seeks enchantment and goes the extra distance in emotion

  8. That's what dreams are for...beautiful poem!
