Sunday, November 20, 2016

Love and Zombies

~ Love and Zombies ~
Too many people have died of a broken heart
time passes, are you ready to chance it again?
There is really no such thing as a fresh start
yet sometimes you need more than a friend
Time passes, are you ready to chance it again?
You've believed for so long that love is dead
yet sometimes you need more than a friend
to eradicate the demons inside your head
You've believed for so long that love is dead
like a zombie that comes back to life again.
To eradicate the demons inside your head,
somehow hope returns through thick and thin
Like a zombie that comes back to life again
love resurfaces and scares you to death
somehow hope returns though thick and thin
a leap of faith starts with the deepest breath
Love resurfaces and scares you to death
there is really no such thing as a fresh start
A leap of faith starts with the deepest breath
too many people have died of a broken heart.
(c) Dahlia Ramone & Tyler Myrth: November 20, 2016


  1. Just read this at Tyler's! Fantastic collab!!

  2. thank you so much - this is one of my favorite forms. I'd learned it from you. xo

    1. I hadn't written a Pantoum in so long, I had to look up how to do it again - lol! Thank you for bringing me out of my Pantoum-retirement ;) <3

  3. Great collab!


  4. Such a delicious delight, this single harmonious pantoum... People who read this will assume the two of you have been writing together for years.

  5. I really enjoyed this memorable duet.
    Hoping for more in the future from the two of you.

    1. *Smiles* Thank you, Mike. I'd like to duet again with Tyler :)
