Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Silent Love


~ The Silent Love ~
In closeness, nonchalant
but from afar, truth speaks
though only when there is no breeze
to carry my secrets away from me
friendships have been lost
in such unveilings
a price too high to pay again
my confession dies upon my lips
friendship to admiration to love
we have not followed the same path
the end justifies the means
longevity remains paramount
love is in the eye of the beholder
inside our hearts, where passion breathes
within a grasp held tenderly, lies a strength:
to love through pain, to love through time
if you don't receive it back
is it any less a love?
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  July 9, 2017
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 20.10 Topic: Secret Admirer
Bonus Prompts: (I did not use any)
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate the word "vassal"
Easy (1 pt): Mention something nice about someone you do not like


  1. Unrequited love is of the ages. Great write.

  2. You end with a sizzling question... Is love only love when it is returned?? I don't know, but the journey of love is a murky path. Love this, Dollface! -Dave Raider

  3. Touching all the points of unrequited love! Thoughtful and we'll written! Always a pleasure to read your work!

  4. I have often wondered if unrequited is love or not. In many ways that emotion deserves its own name

  5. I,personally, think unrequited love is still love. It's just not shared. But one cannot discount the love of another just because it was not returned. Love holds many levels of strength, which opens many an eye, or rather, heart. An experience to behold, to take again over and over. Loved this very insightful words of wisdom. Love you, dollface! -Leta <3

  6. eloquent and heartfelt...very lovely sentiments indeed <3

  7. Layers of beauty and emotion in this piece.... I'm feeling it quite deeply. "Why or why not?" To lose love is so very difficult, something you have had and then it fades away or is taken tragically. But to have love for someone, never returned, never knowing what it was like... could be equally as painful! Love you, Dollface! <3

  8. The answer to your question is yes, and no. Either way, we owe it to the question to offer due consideration.

    Bear in mind, whoever says, "Silence is golden," is not being silent at all.

  9. Is it any less a love? I don't doubt that it is, however, it is a question for those who have experienced it. I, however, have never experienced it. :) 8 points, Earthling!! - Martien aka Marvin

  10. So beautifully expressed. I love it!

  11. Beautiful and full of heart. ��
