Thursday, December 29, 2016

Picnics and Promises (Under the Moonlit Sky)

~ Picnics and Promises (Under the Moonlit Sky) ~
Stars provide the candlelight
my heart is the blanket
and the moon -
she is your conscience
is she true?
does she waver?
is it possible to betray the moon?
lay gently on my heart
let me wrap it around you
the softest promise of warmth
against any chill the night may bring
the wind whispers:
I found something I love... and never gave up
I offer you pieces of me:
morsels of my fears, my strengths, my scars, my love
are you hungry?
what does the moon say to you?
you taste, but you struggle with thirst
you uncork a bottle
and I fill your glass with champagne tears
but the moon won't allow you to drink
you pour me a glass of your own
and I swear I saw the moon's shadow
in the reflection of your eyes as you studied my face
you rest your check against my blanket
the moon lifts her shadow as you drift to sleep
perhaps you are listening to her now.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 29, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 45.9 Topic: Picnic Under the Moonlight Sky
Bonus Points:
Hard (2 pts): Quote Michael Phelps *
Easy (1 pt): Mention a famous dog
(Shadow - 'Homeward Bound')
*"I found something I love... and never gave up"

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Indigo Dreams

~ Indigo Dreams ~

Again, you come to me
familiar, yet unknown
the touch of your fingertips
whispering along my face
and I stir in my sleep
you never say a word
but I always know it's you
by the rhythm of your heartbeat
in the safety of my dreams
I feel your smile
though I do not know your face
like the bittersweet pull of the moon
she takes, and she gives
all while she promises wonder
what do you promise me?
perhaps we are the making of the stars
celestial bodies coming together
where passion meets truth meets surrender
to bask in eternal afterglow
do you promise me the stars?
indigo dreams linger on the breeze
as reality dances on shadow's edge
I reach out my hand, you smile at me
and the moon caresses destiny.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 29, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 31.9 Topic:  Imaginary Friend(s)
Bonuses: (I did not use any)
Hard (2 pts): Quote Muhammad Ali
Easy (1 pt): Mention the Tanzanian currency

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Love and Zombies

~ Love and Zombies ~
Too many people have died of a broken heart
time passes, are you ready to chance it again?
There is really no such thing as a fresh start
yet sometimes you need more than a friend
Time passes, are you ready to chance it again?
You've believed for so long that love is dead
yet sometimes you need more than a friend
to eradicate the demons inside your head
You've believed for so long that love is dead
like a zombie that comes back to life again.
To eradicate the demons inside your head,
somehow hope returns through thick and thin
Like a zombie that comes back to life again
love resurfaces and scares you to death
somehow hope returns though thick and thin
a leap of faith starts with the deepest breath
Love resurfaces and scares you to death
there is really no such thing as a fresh start
A leap of faith starts with the deepest breath
too many people have died of a broken heart.
(c) Dahlia Ramone & Tyler Myrth: November 20, 2016

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Windswept Dreams

~ Windswept Dreams ~
Windswept dreams, a heart seeking shelter
weary from existing helter-skelter
in a catacomb of broken souls,
lost on a path that Fear controls
Windswept dreams? A romantic's passion
misleading the heart in dangerous fashion
eschewing caution when the heart is smitten
for a poet's love, yearning to be written
Windswept dreams, scatter far and wide
a Hail-Mary of hope, blanket the countryside
cross mountains and seas with humbled grace
and return to me with love's embrace.
(c) Dahlia Ramone: November 19, 2016
I wrote this from a word challenge,
having asked my friends to each give me a word. 
Below are the words they gave me,
and I used the ones in bold:
heart / windswept / smitten / dangerous / bereft /
mountain / emerald / catacomb / grace / humbled /
sanctimonious / flake / sylvan / bullocks

Saturday, November 5, 2016



Drink to me
your delusion
I keep hope alive
reality's intrusion
taste my faith
your resolution
I bleed the greys
harboring confusion
absorb my strength
breathe its misconception
I mask the pain
denying restitution
embrace the spider's kiss
there is no more than this.
(c) Dahlia Ramone: November 5, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 37.9
Topic:  More Than This
Hard (2 pts): Quote Pablo Picasso ("Drink to me")
Easy (1 pt): Incorporate "the sands of time" (I did not)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Black Rains

Underneath the shade of misconception
words that don't mean a thing
weigh heaviest on broken wings
silence sings and emptiness rings
words curl up and drift away
their meaning lost when no one stays
wounds never heal, insecurities bleed
in the dark, the black rains come
seeking redemption, then drowning the need
beneath the stains of time, the feelings disappear.
Dahlia Ramone:  October 16, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 35.9
Topic:  Black Rain
Bonuses: Hard (2 pts): Incorporate a Johnny Cash lyric *
Easy (1 pt): Include a fireball (I didn't)
* "beneath the stains of time, the feelings disappear" - 'Hurt'

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Full Moon, Madness and a Solitary Whisper

"There are some things you don't come back from.
You either live with them, or you don't"
- Martinez from The Walking Dead
~ Full Moon, Madness and a Solitary Whisper ~
Ebony skies
darkness cries
a misplaced moon
madness consumes
is this real? am I here?
wake, wake up
swimming in lies
stars in disguise
a full moon mirage
felled by sabotage
keep walking? or disappear?
wake, wake up
consciousness revised
by the onslaught of spies
called upon by the mind
to rob the heart blind
am I insane? is nothing sincere?
wake, wake up
stillness becomes my demise
uncertain how to rise
every direction
is a question
can a windless night carry a whisper?
wake, wake up
(c) Dahlia Ramone: September 18, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 31.9 Topic: Full Moon Madness
Hard (2 pts): Incorporate a quote from The Walking Dead
Easy (1 pt): Include the word "bucolic" (I did not)
"Is this real? Am I here? Wake, wake up" - Rick
"Keep walking" - Rick
"Every direction is a question" - Abraham

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Faltering

~ The Faltering ~
In the dark of night, I falter
having tripped across your altar
I tried to make my heart adjust
when asked to once again face Trust
'hear my voice; hear my voice' I plead
apparently, you found no need
and I learned your love was unjust
when asked to once again face Trust
nail to coffin, you were one more
to a truth I cannot ignore:
time and patience just turns to dust
when asked to once again face Trust
in the dark of night, I falter
when asked to once again face Trust.
(c) Dahlia Ramone: September 11, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 30.9 Topic:  Dark of Night
Hard (2 pts): Incorporate a lyric by The Talking Heads *
Easy (1 pt): Include a Shakespearean character **
* 'Patience' (fict) is an attendant on Katherine, in Henry VIII
** 'Hear my voice, hear my voice' ("Warning Sign")

Sunday, May 22, 2016

~ Before the Winter Moon ~

~ Before the Winter Moon ~
Memories ripple
like time, indefinite
like my love - my downfall
inevitable and bittersweet
we knew the risk
we were of two different worlds
but what did a far-off future matter
when time would stop and the sky would fall
every time we came together?
"I guess we'll make love under the Cherry Moon"
you'd whisper in my ear each night
my return smile would get lost in your kiss
the sky turned indigo
and the moon blushed
as you took me across that forbidden bridge
you're the wind and the rain
you've got a river that takes away my pain
drowned my ghosts and made me sane
but while we loved, we loved in vain
the tide pulled, the moon turned
and winter came too soon
I closed my eyes, you slipped away
and all the midnights in the world
couldn't bring you back to me.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  May 22, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 14.9
Topic:  Smile
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts): Use a Prince lyric in your blog *
(Easy, 1 pt): Mention your favorite board game **
* Prince lyrics:
"Like time, indefinite" (Reflection)
"Time would stop and the sky would fall" (One Kiss At A Time)
"I guess we'll make love under the Cherry Moon" (Under The Cherry Moon)
"You're the wind and the rain / you've got a river that takes away my pain"
(My Love Is Forever)
"All the midnights in the world" (All The Midnights In The World)
** Board game (not my faves, but still board games):
Downfall / Risk / Indigo / Forbidden Bridge / Ghosts

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Silence is not golden

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see,
but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel"
~ Johnny Depp
"Wishing you were here, honey"
"You're the reason my heart beats"
"We're going to have an awesome future together"
"Wish I was there helping you. One day that will not be an issue"
"I'm gonna hate my night; I won't have you by my side"
"I will get there for New Year's, no matter what"
"I miss you and need you, baby"
"Thinking of you, baby"
Do you remember the words you said
from summer, half into December?
In the beginning, you told me you trusted too easily
and that you'd been played before
Those words are a little ironic now, don't you think?
What were you thinking about me, on December 17th?
And December 20th... 25th... 27th?
Those days I texted you, and received only silence
What about December 31st, when I texted you to tell you Happy New Year?
A day you told me you'd be here with me, 'no matter what'
but you never told me you weren't coming out
you just stopped telling me anything
Six more times in January
I tried reaching out to you
six more times, I was met with silence
There were only four times, in a month's span
when I'd receive a random text from you
I'd reply, trying to engage you in conversation
but you'd just ignore me again
Silence is golden?
My ass.  Silence is pain
Silence is questioning what went wrong
What did I do?  Who are you?
Silence is the absence of closure
February 16th, I reached out to you one final time
I knew it was over, even if you never said goodbye
I told you I needed closure
I asked why you just walked away
I asked you to be honest with me
And your answer was complete silence
you had gone from loving to stone cold
in the span of a few weeks
I deserved truth, but there was no truth anymore
perhaps, there never was
Imagine my shock, and the hurt
when I found out you married in the middle of February
rendering everything you said to me above, a lie
I suspect now, you knew her before
and I was just played to try to win her back;
barely two months after you were calling me baby
you are calling her your princess, and the love of your life
perhaps she is, and you finally got what you wanted
You just picked one hell of a way to go about getting it.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  May 1, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 11.9 Topic: Silence is Golden
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts): Quote Johnny Depp (There is no truth anymore)
(Easy, 1 pt): Incorporate a medical device (I did not)

Monday, February 29, 2016

Here I Am

"From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows shall spring;
renewed shall be blade that was broken
the crownless shall again be king"
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Fellowship of the Ring)
Here I am
in the joyous summer
when you discovered me
your words so sweet, they swept me in
as you spoke of our future
and how much you needed me
I believed it all, basking in your romance
and in your arms, I finally felt at home
"False hopes are more dangerous than fears"
Here I am
in the bleak midwinter
when I discovered you
I learned your truth as your shoulder grew colder
that you past wasn't really in the past
proof of my presence was meant for display
purpose served, I was discarded
as wedding bells rang for you
"How do you move on?
You move on when your heart finally understands
that there is no turning back"
Here I am
at the edge of spring
trying to find myself again
crawling back from the hell of betrayal
where hope lies in ashes
and empty words weigh me down
yet I rise
with a quiet strength I had forgotten 
dusting off your lies and false pretenses
I turn toward the sun, determined
to reclaim the fighter in me
I focus on not looking back
as each step takes me
farther away from you.
"I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted.
I have forgotten much that I thought I knew,
and learned again much that I had forgotten."
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  February 28, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 2.9 Topic:  In the Bleak Midwinter
Bonus Points:
(Hard 2 pts:) Incorporate a Lyle Lovett lyric (Here I Am)
(Easy, 1 pt:) Use a quote from J.R.R. Tolkien (in italics)
"False hopes are more dangerous than fears"
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Children of Hurin)
"How do you move on? You move on when your heart
Finally understands there is no turning back."
J.R.R. Tolkien
"I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted.
I have forgotten much that I thought I knew,
And learned again much that I had forgotten."
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings)

Sunday, February 21, 2016


~ Crossroads ~
You left your fingerprints on my soul
the connection, a thousand kisses deep
and I cannot erase the memories
because of you, I measured everyone
by how well they thought they knew me
and the results always ended in darkness
the night comes on, the moon comes out
and I implore her to show me
the place where I belong
She smiles at my confusion
and says everybody knows what they need
once they figure out what 'home' means
a person...a place... a sense of familiarity
what puts you at peace
who makes you feel safe?
I sift through an avalanche of emotions
and weigh the years gone by
wondering if they've changed anything
time can change everything or nothing
but when I close my eyes and think of you
it just feels like going home
in my secret life
I am always coming back to you
because you never left my heart
we have two choices:
I can leave well enough alone
or you can take this longing
and dance me to the end of love.
(c) Dahlia Ramones:  February 21, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia:
Week 1.9 Topic:  Two Choices
Bonus prompts:
(Hard, 2 pts):  Use three Leonard Cohen Titles*
(Easy, 2 pt):  Incorporate a confession
(you never left my heart)
*I used multiple song titles:
A Thousand Kisses Keep
Because Of
Night Comes On
Show Me The Place
Everybody Knows
It Just Feels
Going Home
In My Secret Life
Coming Back To You
Take This Longing
Dance Me To The End of Love

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Letting Go

~ Letting Go ~
High on a ledge above the sea, lost in thoughts
balanced on the edge of reality, not the one she sought
she couldn't go back, she had loved for naught
she couldn't go forward, her heart too distraught
the awakening came without a sound
a gradual dawning as he stopped coming around
no goodbye offered, no closure found
no anger to carry onto a battleground
in limbo on a ledge, and she couldn't understand
how forever turned to never, was that how he planned?
or did she disappoint, were they doomed beforehand?
their time played in an hourglass that ran out of sand
words of romance long cut off, only silence in their place
yet she remembered them each time she sought his face
she knew she lost something she could never replace
~ her heart ~ for it still beats for his embrace
torn with indecision, she didn't know how to be okay
to see if he was happy, she knew she'd have to stay
but she couldn't continue living in this state of disarray
so she wished him well, let go, and slipped away.
(c) Dahlia Ramone: February 7, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 51.8 topic:  Lost in Seaside Thoughts (I paraphrased it)
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 puts): Create a desperate action for your character
(Easy, 1 pt): Mention a Charlton Heaton movie (The Awakening)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Decimated Daisies


"But only in their dreams can men be truly free.
It was always thus and always thus will be"
(Robin Williams)
~ Decimated Daisies ~
Deep in the realm of fairytales
where truth is dreamt and dreams are true
unchained hearts float through the sky
free to love, received in kind
suspended in make-believe
we reveled in the fantasy
scripting a life together
you were the pen, I drank your words
you painted flowers on my soul
daisies for pureness and light of heart
I would have traded a kingdom
to follow you on paths unknown
but fairytales aren't without peril;
our story turned from lush to grey
with the invasion of reality
the pen went dry, the pages bare
unchained hearts? a broken dream
echoes in the stillness of your absence
leaving me alone, a soul full of daisies
each with an even number of petals.
(c) Dahlia Ramone: February 2, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 50.8 Topic:  Unchained Heart
Bonus Points:
Hard, (2 puts): Use a Robin Williams quote
Easy, 1 pt): Incorporate the words "critic's choice" (I did not)

Sunday, January 24, 2016


"I try to remember a kiss
and I get only sorrow
and yesterday's faded away
now there's only tomorrow"
(Psychedelic Furs' lyrics from 'Angels Don't Cry')
~ Intangible ~

I am the night and you are the moon
I always came out for you
but you played to your own tune
I engaged the stars to help me see
and searched for a face I once knew
you called on the clouds, to hide from me
indigo, midnight, fade to black
my hue deepened by morning's dew
as I realized you weren't coming back
early fire, ashes now
we couldn't see it through
perhaps we burned too bright, somehow
together forever, that's what we planned
I don't know what was ever true
you didn't leave me anything that I can understand
so here we are, tragically strewn
you live in me, and I for you
I am the night and you are the moon.
(c) Dahlia Ramones: January 24, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 49.8 Topic:  I am the Night
Bonus Points (Hard, 2 pts): Incorporate a lyric
from the Psychedelic Furs
("you didn't leave me anything that I can understand"
from 'All of This and Nothing'
(Easy, 1 pt): Mention early fires

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Winter's Heart


"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe
and leaves before she is left" ~ Marilyn Monroe
~ Winter's Heart ~
the starkness of winter
enshrouds a landscape
that knows one season
weighing down a heavy heart
perennial dreams lie dormant
waiting for a chance
to break through the staunch silence
that blankets them
so anxious for another chance
so easy to ignore
but sometimes, winter never ends
and summer was nothing more
than a passage of time
its days inconsequential
because they were numbered
counting down to the moment
they would be swallowed up by winter
And what was once called beautiful
Is now discarded
a forward-thinking dream, forgotten
absent a promise of Spring
but a promise, sometimes doesn't mean a thing.
(c) Dahlia Ramones:  January 22, 2016

This was written for Blogophilia  48.8
Topic:  "Starkness of Winter"
Bonus Points (Hard, 2 puts): Include a Marilyn Monroe quote (above poem)
(Easy, 1 pt): Incorporate purgatory (I did not)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Absence of Words

~ The Absence of Words ~
A well-worn path cuts through the night
heart to moon, a love to make right
going nowhere, Hope runs aground
and silence is the only sound
A favorite song, clear yet haunting
evokes memories, now taunting
like words without meaning, they drown
and silence is the only sound
Don't think of all that could have been
just vow to never try again
for not all things lost can be found
And silence is the only sound
A well-worn path cuts through the night
and silence is the only sound.
© Dahlia Ramone: January 3, 2016