Monday, December 31, 2018

Color Me Lavender

~ Color Me Lavender ~

Lavender skies
lovestruck eyes
proffered shell
pause on farewell
temperatures rise
an ocean wise
gentle swell
under the spell
whisper and tell
all ends well.

(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 31, 2018

This was written for Blogophilia
Week 44.11 Topic:  Star Struck *
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a symbol with a hidden meaning **
Easy (1 pt):  Mention a flavor of food (lavender)
* I got stuck on the phrase "love struck" so I went off topic
** Shell:  The shell, which protects life in the form of pearls, symbolizes the protective aspect of love.  It has had slightly varying symbolism in different cultures.  Venus, the Roman Goddess of love and fertility, is often depicted as emerging from a scallop shell.  The ancient Hindus have associated the conch shell with calling out to love-filled hearts and awakening the hearts of the faithful.  The Native Americans have also used seashells to symbolize fertility and love.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

~ Refuge ~

~ Refuge ~

She ventured deep into the woods this time
deep enough to get lost
as she wasn't merely seeking out the moon
this time, she was seeking refuge
the wooded floor was soft on bare feet
blanketed in lush ferns, bright green moss
and the occasional golden pinecone
shimming off to the side
bathed in the silver light of the crescent moon
hanging just so against an otherwise deep indigo sky
she caught glimpses of the light
but could not find the source through the trees
confused, she did not know where to look
until she stopped looking
right in front of her
sat the most exquisite creature she had ever seen
calm, quiet, wise
a vision in silver and gold and white
possessing a softness she longed to feel
was this the refuge she sought?
the barn owl studied her a moment
and then she heard his words:
"some people are nobody's enemies but their own."
she would have thought it odd
hearing words from a barn owl
had she not been struck by the accuracy of his words
"pardon me?" she replied
the barn owl turned his head
from side to side to side
until she felt like he had looked
into every angle of her soul
"my dear child,
you did not come into the forest to become lost.
you were already lost before you came here.
now tell me, who do you really seek to protect?"
intrigued and humbled, she sat down beside the barn owl
"I used to think it was only myself," she began
"but I suppose it's more than that.
I seek in others that which I am,
and I fear finding what I seek;
such that, I will often abort the journey.
perhaps it is because I think so much
of warm and sensitive hearts,
that I would spare them from being wounded...
both theirs, and mine."
the barn owl spread out his wings
and drifted down off his perch
to stand beside the girl
"close your eyes, and reach out your hand," he instructed
she closed her eyes, and reached out a tentative hand
the barn owl met her reach
and his feathers brushed her fingertips
she marveled at their contrast
some feathers were soft as down
and others sturdier, heavier
there was both a softness and strength to him
but then she felt a small gap
between a couple of his feathers
she opened her eyes and looked at him.
"yes, it is a scar.  A battle scar from long ago
and it has not completely healed.
but remember this, my child:
those who are wounded, can still fly"
and with that, the barn owl spread his wings
and took off into the night
she watched him soar above the trees
through the indigo sky
and beyond the crescent moon
that had eluded her earlier
warmth and sensitivity
softness and strength
she was the moon and the owl
she was her own refuge.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 27, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 43.11 Topic:  Silver and Gold
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a quote from Oliver Twist *
Easy (1 pt):  Include a crescent moon
* "Some people are nobody's enemies but their own."
* "It is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts,
that I would spare them from being wounded."

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Night Vision

"You don't find love, it finds you.
It's got a little bit to do with Destiny,
Fate, and what's written in the stars"
(Anais Nin)

You came to me one star-kissed night
on wings of truth, dispensing light
the moon, our bridge, guiding above
for no more reason, but to love
purpose affirmed, my destiny
now bathes my soul with clarity
that hearts are carried by the dove
for no more reason, but to love
the night absorbs sincerity
the moon exhales simplicity
we meet in the pocket thereof
for no more reason, but to love
you came to me one star-kissed night
for no more reason, but to love.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  December 16, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 42.11 Topic:  A Mother's Wish
(I did not write on topic)
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a quote from your favorite writer
Easy(1 pt):  Use the phrase 'sugar and spice' (I did not)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Celestial Serenade II


In the beginning
there was only the moon
orchestrating the heavens
to play out her vision
a gentle breeze stops to listen
and becomes lost in the melody
caressing the air to the rhythm
of the celestial serenade
the indigo sky was swayed
and the stars began to shimmer
through gossamer threads cast
by the moon's enchanting light
Fate was called upon to write
the lyrics of two souls
who would not give in to gravity
but let their love break through
the breeze and heavens paused for their cue
as the moon and Fate deferred
seems like all they really were doing
was waiting for you.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 11, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 37.11 Topic: "Giving in to Gravity"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate a lyric or quote from John Lennon *
Easy (1 pt):  Include one of the five senses **
* Seems like all they really were doing was waiting for you
(from Real Love)
** I used three:  vision (sight), listen (hearing) and caress (touch)

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Four walls and a roof
time measured in tears
a home or a box?
a love in arrears
words without action
a longing, untold
promises broken
as memories unfold
no balance in check
my voice, secondary
the desired outcome:
just what the truth is
I can't say anymore
love let itself quietly
out the back door.
can't live on assumption
no gestures on display
I could drown in indifference
or I could walk away.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  November 4, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 36.11 Topic:  Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include a Moody Blues lyric *
Easy (1 pt):  Reveal an obsession (I did not)
* "Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore"
(Nights in White Satin)
(Fourth stanza)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Fool's Moon


Indigo dreams
and gossamer whispers
always, I follow
always, to sorrow

mile after mile
the path is the same
oasis in the sky
turns a blind eye
lured by a promise
she fooled me once
then found it a game
and kept doing the same
hopeless romantic
or eternal fool?
the moon puts love on display
and the moon pulls it away.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  October 28, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 35.11 Topic:  Fool Me Once
Bonus prompts:
Hard (2 pts): Include the word "metamorphose" (I did not)
Easy (1 pt):  Name a Chinese city within your blog (Mile)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Tale of the Country Boy and the Ninja

She assumed she would write another love song
filled with alluring visions, but she was wrong
he laid down some words, thought himself witty
she saw the challenge with her amazing perspicacity
and was determined to write a country ditty...
just a good ol' boy, singing about a truck
she listened for a second and thought "what the fuck?"
she looked up and pleaded to the sapphire sky
to somehow stop this twangy lullaby
and if the heavens couldn't stop it, then she would try
fortunately, she always carried a talisman
and with ninja skills, placed it by the boy and ran
now that boy thought it was a caprice
to jump up and grab a fishing net and warm fleece
for some nighttime shad catch and release
she smiled and winked at the scintillating moon
and figured he wouldn't be back any time soon
she made herself at home, found some vodka and jell-o
then retired to the porch, feeling quite mellow
as she moved on to some homemade limoncello
call it serendipity, or perhaps not
but there were no shad in the river to be caught
and that country boy came home sooner than planned
and found her quite comfortable, cocktail in hand
just sitting on his porch swing, surveying the land
he surmised, correctly, the doom of his stockpile
but she just shrugged with a beguiling smile
he laughed and said he'd have more, just a month away
in the meanwhile he could make a pumpkin spice frappe
as long as she hadn't brought any hip-hop to play.
(c)  Dahlia Ramone: October 21, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 34.11 Topic:  Writer's Choice
(for topic and prompts)
My Topic: The Country Boy and the Ninja
Hard Bonus (2 pts): Use all words suggested by friends 
Easy Bonus (1 pt):  Mention "hip-hop"
Words I used:
alluring / perspicacity / determined / country / sapphire / twang
lullaby / talisman / caprice / shad / scintillating /
limoncello / serendipity / comfortable / beguile / frappe
So it wasn't a love song
nor quite a country ditty
though it did mention a truck
(after all, she vowed to try)
perhaps it was the talisman
and the magic it can release
though I wouldn't rule out the moon
or the lure of limoncello
it was a challenge, was it not
that she posed to Facebook Land
offered words to stockpile
it is how she loves to play.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Kaleidoscope Hearts

It was the darkness
I couldn't escape
haunted by lies
sleeping with ghosts
yet, it was that weight
of a thousand broken promises
that led me to you
when I saw nothing
you gave me a kaleidoscope
suddenly every light,
every reflection
became every you,
every me
my black
turned into a million little pieces of color:
reds, yellows, oranges, magentas, purples
you showed me this picture
of endless possibilities
and my darkness melted away
you gave me second sight:
a unique vision
of a colorful world
that we held in our hands.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  October 14, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 33.11 Topic:  Colors of Autumn
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Incorporate Placebo lyrics*
Easy (1 pt):Mention pumpkins (I did not)
Placebo lyrics:
Sleeping with Ghosts / Broken Promise / Blind /
Every You Every Me / A Million Little Pieces
This Picture / Second Sight

Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Book With No Cover

~ A Book with No Cover ~
We were together.  I forget the rest.
was it a dream?
I shake my head
clarity whispers from the corners:
"whose story did you see?"
I search, but come up empty
all I can find is a book with no cover
it could be anyone's story
or it could be ours.
I and this mystery, here we stand, surrounded,
detached in measureless oceans of space
where words pirouette on top of themselves
dancing with possibilities for each new page
begging to be written, savored, immortalized
the words of my book nothing
the drift of it everything;
only themselves understand themselves
as souls only understand souls
but where is that I started for, so long ago
and why is it yet unfound?
I pick up that book with no cover
as my fingers softly fan the pages
images from my dream float up from them
you are smiling at me
and you are holding a pen.
(c)  Dahlia Ramone:  October 7, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 32.11 Topic:  "The Best Books"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts:)  Quote Walt Whitman *
Easy (1 pt):  Use two words that begin with the letter Z
(I did not)
*  Quotes (in italics in poem):
"We were together.  I forget the rest"
"I and this mystery, here we stand"
"Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space"
"The words of my book nothing, the drift of it everything"
"Only themselves understand themselves... as souls only understand souls"
"But where is that I started for, so long ago?
And why is it yet unfound?"

Friday, October 5, 2018

Moonlight Fantasy

~ Moonlight Fantasy ~
A nod in our direction
the stage set to perfection
a soft glow, twinkling light
the moon knows that this is right
our own moonlight fantasy
we dance, we blush, we agree
we may only have tonight
the moon knows that this is right
we found this, against all odds
our own garden of the Gods
Fate had us within her sight
the moon knows that this is right
a nod in our direction
the moon knows that this is right.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  October 5, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 31.11 Topic:  "Fantasy in Moonlight"
Bonus prompts:
Hard (2 pets): Include a favorite tourist spot in Colorado *
Easy (1 pt): Use the word 'mojo' (I did not)
* Garden of the Gods

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hebridean Dreams

~ Hebridean Dreams ~
Give me a cottage
anywhere in the Hebrides
share the wonder with me
I'm dreaming of desolate beauty
ancient ruins, mountains and rock
I'm dreaming of breathtaking views
the bluest seas and the greenest hills
white sand beaches and flowering machair
a little bit of everything
I have never been here
yet I feel I am coming home
explore the isles in the day with me
sit and watch the wildlife
they are in no hurry either
and in the evenings
keep that wood stove burning
whisper to me in Gaelic
we are all we need
in this wondrous place
and my heart is open.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  September 23, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 30.11 Topic:  "I'm Dreaming of.."
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include a Keith Urban Song *
Easy (1 pt): Use the word "magenta" (I did not)
* A little bit of everything / coming home /
my heart is open

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Indigo Wishes and Starlight Dreams

In the corner of the sky
imagine time and love
an overture of dreams
as simple as it seems
I hear a symphony
where there was darkness
and I am swept away
the stars have shown the way
surrender to the night
stop, look, listen (to your heart)
reflections of tenderness
together we are effortless
what a little starlight can do
this is the part where you...
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  September 16, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 29.11 Topic:  "I Wish I May, I Wish I Might..."
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pets):  Incorporate two Diana Ross song titles *
Easy (1 pt):  Use a first aid kit in your blog (I did not)
* Song titles, in order of appearance:
corner of the sky / imagine / time and love /
I hear a symphony / where there is darkness / swept away /
Surrender / stop look listen (to your heart) /
Reflections / tenderness / together

Saturday, September 8, 2018


~ Mirage ~

What was it
that drew you to me that day?
I thought you a songbird
but you were a bird of prey
your words of grandeur
spoke to my core
you drew me in
with the promises you swore
I expected honor
but your words were hollow
still I didn't know
the deceit that would follow
when I asked you why
it came to an end
I may as well
have been talking to the wind
silence and scars
it's what we became
your plan executed
and you had no shame
it's why I lie
and self-sabotage
claiming I'm better alone
because love's a mirage
who means what they say?
it's why I cry
because I don't know how
to trust the next guy.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  September 8, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 27.11 Topic:  "Why I Lie and Why I Cry"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Include "speak to the wind"
Easy (1 pt): Mention a song from the band Pop Evil *
* Birds of Prey / Core / Silence and Scars

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Love's Eternal

Eternal whispers
a lover's verse
softly traverse
the universe

close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
imagine me
the moon appears
a guiding light
she knows the night
and sets her sight
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
look for me
time stands still
but not for long
feel the song
it can't be wrong
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
stay with me
upon the table
all laid bare
heart declared
said the prayer
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
fight for me
the moon bows
a moment passed
no reason asked
the die was cast
close your eyes
make a wish
count to three
remember me
there is no night
there is no day
all the wishes fade to grey
I'd have loved you anyway.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 26, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 26.11 Topic:  "Make a Wish - Count to Three"
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts:)  Incorporate a naughty word (I did not)
Easy (1 pt):  Mention a mountain closest to where you live
("Table" Mountain)

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Within the dark she knows me well
it's where I hide, it's where I dwell
you cannot blame me, though
for living what I know
paint me up, dress me down
feed me lies, watch me drown
take away all sense of time
reduce me to a pantomime
silent cries or deaf of ear
the story of an unchecked tear
I travel through the darken night
she denies me her moonlight
past to future, dusk to dawn
it's all the same, the heart's a pawn
I give it up, the ultimate price
and roam the alleys of sacrifice.
(c) Dahlia Ramone:  August 19, 2018
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 25.11 Topic:  Time Traveling
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 pts):  Use a quote or lyric from Oliver Twist *
Easy (1 pt): Mention a soccer player (I did not)
* I twisted this prompt and
used a lyric from the song Oliver Twist by D'Banj
"you cannot blame me though"